well all sorts of positions in the service industry
how the heck much are they? (i understand they're 'concepts'. they are INCREDIBLE)
The Associated Press "reports" that "Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin plans to stay in touch using Twitter even after leaving office on July 26" and "The governor also promises to post "less politically correct" messages."..........
............To the surprise of many observers, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) read anonymous comments about Judge Sotomayor in her confirmation hearing Tuesday.
“ABC’s World News and NBC’s Nightly News reported Lindsey Graham’s citation of anonymous criticism of Sonia Sotomayor published in the Almanac of the Federal Judiciary without noting that Sotomayor’s 2nd Circuit Court colleague reportedly called such criticism ’sexist,’” Media Matters complained.
The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart found some anonymous quotes from the Internet about Graham to read on the air Thursday.
Some choice examples:
“Lindsey Graham takes it up the cornhole.”
“He is a sad sack of shit and is an embarrassment to the state of South Carolina.”
“He’s such a white Southern pig racist idiot douchebag.”
The audience roared in laughter after Stewart also revealed that Graham is “actually featured on the ‘men who look like old lesbians dot blogspot site.’”....................
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
White Men Can't Judge - Sotomayor: Judgment Days | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
This seems as good a time as any to remind everyone about choosing and managing passwords wisely. The New York Times' Gadgetwise blog has a helpful post up today along those lines. Snip:
The lesson Twitter employees are learning the hard way is a lesson for us all. If you use cloud services for personal or work purposes, you need to:* Use strong passwords
* Use a different password for each of your accounts
* Pick tough security questions
* Keep your passwords and answers to security questions to yourself.........
In 1877 in the well-to-do London suburb of St. John’s Wood, a sixteen-month-old infant is dying. Georgie has cried for weeks, but now he doesn’t have the energy to cry. Too feeble to sit up, he won’t move at all, if he can help it. He can’t bear for anyone to touch his legs, which are covered with bruise-like spots. His face is ash white. His gums are inflamed and spongy. His breath smells like a corpse.
The pediatrician, Dr. Sumner, has prescribed chlorate of potash and quinine bark – strong general-purpose medications – and later syrup of iodide of iron and cod-liver oil. For the inflamed gums, he orders alum and glycerin applied locally. But Georgie’s condition only worsens. The swelling of the gums grows still more extensive, until the whole of the mucous membrane of the upper and lower jaw seems to be involved, and the bleeding becomes more profuse. Georgie begins to have spasms in his throat that cut off his breathing.
Children die in Victorian England. In the upper-class areas of Liverpool, according to an 1899 report, 136 out of 1000 newborns die before they reach the age of one. Working class districts maintain a rate of 274 infant deaths per 1000, and 509 slum children die for every 1000 born, all within the first year after birth. A very sick child like Georgie, not responding to treatment, unable to eat, having difficulty breathing, is expected to die. But he gets a lucky break.
His pediatrician asks Dr. Walter Cheadle from London’s Hospital for Sick Children to consider the case. An unusually shy man, Dr. Cheadle avoids the clubs and dinner parties of his social class, but he is appreciated by his students and patients for his courtesy and concern..........
Meet the latest GOP clown: She may not be able to shoot a gun, but she's willing to lead a revolution if she loses her election evidently.
Political blog Not Larry Sabato reports on an astonishing statement by a Virginian running to become a Republican Party delegate.
"We have the chance to fight this battle at the ballot box before we have to resort to the bullet box...That's the beauty of our 2nd Amendment rights," Catherine Crabill, the GOP nominee for Delegate in Virginia's 99th District said Wednesday, as the video posted by the blog shows.
Crabill adds, "Our 2nd Amendment right was to guard against tyranny."
Huffington Post notes, "Crabill, who proclaims on her campaign website that "America was founded by right-wing extremists," has already drawn fire for her controversial views. Among other things, she believes the U.S. government played a role in the Oklahoma City Bombing."........
This may be the worst online political ad ever conceived.
The "Obama card" campaign, found here, was launched on Thursday to very little acclaim. It resides on GOP.com and is paid for by the Republican National Committee.
It's something of an interactive feature that lets users ring up a sale on the "Obama card," which apparently makes everything free. (This is the level of discourse offered by a major political party?) The fun comes in when you get to take your "Obama card" through an online shopping spree, right from the GOP's own product portal.
As pointed out by John Aravosis over at Americablog, the GOP store contains many, many questionable items, ranging from the anti-Semitic to pornographic. Aravosis searched for "jew" and got "Jews and Their Lies" as a result, among others. A search for "latino" rendered "The Latino Threat." A search for "gay," however, resulted in a GOP scolding. "Bad Word!" the "Obama card" search proclaims.
Inspired by John's findings, I did a little searching around of my own, checking for every odd thing I could think of.
A search for "Bush" returned with "The Bush Tragedy" by author Jacob Weisberg, along with "Family of Secrets" by Russ Baker (fantastic book, I highly recommend it).............
Crocs were born of the economic boom.
The colorful foam clogs appeared in 2002, just as the country was recovering from a recession. Brash and bright, they were a cheap investment (about $30) that felt good and promised to last forever. Former president George W. Bush wore them. Aerosmith lead singer Steven Tyler wore them. Your grandma wore them. They roared along with the economy, mocked by the fashion world but selling 100 million pairs in seven years.
Then the boom times went bust, and Crocs went to the back of the closet.
The company had expanded to meet demand, but financially pressed customers cut back. Last year the company lost $185.1 million, slashed roughly 2,000 jobs and scrambled to find money to pay down millions in debt. Now it's stuck with a surplus of shoes, and its auditors have wondered if it can stay afloat. It has until the end of September to pay off its debt................
pic: As the economy boomed, Crocs became a huge seller. But now cash-strapped consumers have decided they don't need a second pair. (By Charlie Neibergall -- Associated Press)
THE MEMORY OF detainee No. 173379 still haunts Andrew Duffy. The 24-year-old prisoner showed up in March 2006 among a truckload of captures at Abu Ghraib, where Duffy was stationed as a medic. His job was to treat new arrivals in an overcrowded, sweltering tent suffused with the stench of human waste and vomit. There, Duffy, then 19, handled everything from common diseases like tuberculosis to festering gunshot wounds.
But the new prisoner stood out. He was belligerent, yelling gibberish and staggering like a drunk. Having witnessed this kind of behavior before with detainees in diabetic shock, Duffy checked the man's blood-sugar level. From 70 to 140 milligrams per deciliter is normal; his read 431. The prisoner explained that Iraqi soldiers had held him for five days without his insulin. Duffy called the compound's hospital to request an immediate transfer. It was denied. Duffy's medical supervisor ordered him to just give the guy water..............
He posted his first tweet in Spanish at 1:08 pm on July 9, noting that he would be on Neil Cavuto’s Fox show at 4:05 to discuss Pelosi’s $16 million “mouse” project. He also asked his readers what he should say about the subject. While some of his tweets on the Spanish-language feed are the same as on the English version, others are original content.
More importantly, why would Gingrich even want a Spanish-language Twitter feed? He has fiercely opposed bilingual education, even going so as far to call Spanish “the language of living in a ghetto“:
The American people believe English should be the official language of the government. … We should replace bilingual education with immersion in English so people learn the common language of the country and they learn the language of prosperity, not the language of living in a ghetto.............
Today, I’m here to defend and agree with Pat Buchanan.
On Morning Joe this morning, Pat Buchanan joked that Todd Palin should drown Levi Johnston.
I don’t often (ever?) agree with Mr. Buchanan, but he was obviously right on this point. Levi has violated “the rules,” he continues to violate “the rules,” and as a father Todd Palin has a right to enforce “the rules” in whatever Mountain Man fashion he deems best...............
Afghan President Hamid
"We've learned in the last 24 hours or so that a bill that's been pending in the parliament in Afghanistan and been reviewed by the ministry of justice to eliminate violence against women is going to be signed by President
Under the bill, men who bar women from getting an education, working, or obtaining healthcare could face six months in prison, said Afghanistan's Minister of Public Health Sayed Mohammed Amin Fatimie, who was at the briefing along with Afghanistan's ambassador to the United States, Said Tayeb Jawad.............
Friday, July 10, 2009 | After San Diego County sheriff's Deputy Lowell "Sam" Bruce shot his wife in the face in front of their 4-year-old son, Kristin Marie Maxwell-Bruce was able to walk to the kitchen phone and dial 911.
As she waited for medical help on that December evening in 2006, Kristin was alert and talking -- but it was with some difficulty because the bullet had destroyed half her tongue and the left side of her jaw.
She told her mother she was worried about her teeth; her mother assured her they could be fixed. Upon arrival at the Alpine home, medics found that Kristin's vital signs -- pulse, body temperature, blood pressure and respiratory rate -- were within normal range.
Several Sudanese women, including well-known journalist Lobna Ahmed al Hussein, face lashings for wearing inappropriate attire to a restaurant in the nation’s capital, Khartoum. The lewd attire, however, was nothing more than a pair of trousers.
“I was wearing trousers and a blouse and the 10 girls who were lashed were wearing like men, there was no difference,” said Hussein in an interview with the BBC’s Arabic Service...............
“Well, first, with regard to Levi, I think First Dude up there in Alaska, Todd Palin, ought to take Levi down to the creek and hold his head underwater until the thrashing stops,” Buchanan quipped............
U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee called Sunday for an investigation into the death of a Houston sailor who was shot to death while on duty in California last month.
Navy Seaman August Provost III, 29, was killed June 30 at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in Southern California, where he was standing watch at a base compound. Navy officials said Provost, who grew up in Houston's Acres Homes neighborhood, was shot to death and his body burned.
Provost's family has speculated that the shooting might have been a hate crime, because the sailor was gay.
“I am requesting a full investigation into the murder,” Jackson Lee said Sunday. “This death appears bizarre, and more facts need to be uncovered.”...........
ANCHORAGE — In late March, a senior official from the Republican Governors Association headed for Alaska on a secret mission. Sarah Palin was beset by such political and personal turmoil that some powerful supporters determined an intervention was needed to pull her governorship, and her national future, back from the brink.
The official, the association’s executive director, Nick Ayers, arrived with a memorandum containing firm counsel, according to several people who know its details: Make a long-term schedule and stick to it, have staff members set aside ample and inviolable family time to replenish your spirits, and build a coherent home-state agenda that creates jobs and ensures re-election..............................According to the Washington Post, however, the Fellowship Foundation is itself linked to an even more secretive religious organization — Youth With a Mission (YWAM), whose Washington, DC branch owns the “C Street House” where Ensign has lived and where Sanford has participated in Bible study.
A diarist at Daily Kos points out that “YWAM founder leader Loren Cunningham has publicly outlined a vision for Christian world-control,” which involves establishing domination over government, education, business, the media, and other areas.
The last time YWAM came to notice was in 2006, when Loren Cunningham’s son, David Cunningham, gained attention as the director of ABC’s bitterly anti-Clinton “docudrama,” The Path to 9/11. According to Talking Points Memo, the younger Cunningham’s ties to YWAM were discovered by Digby and discussed at length on both Daily Kos and Democratic Underground..........