Saturday, April 10, 2010
i know more than a little something about this subject
this woman was also raped by the system. that should NEVER happen. EVER
Test Case: You're Not a Rape Victim Unless Police Say So This is the story of the night Hannah was not officially raped.
By Amanda Hess
On Saturday, Dec. 9, 2006, Hannah* woke up in her Howard University dorm room with a piece of her life missing. Hannah, a 19-year-old sophomore, had unexplained pain in her rectum and hip. Her panty liner, which she had worn the night before, was missing. Vomit dotted her gloves and coat. Her friend Kerston lay beside her in the skinny dorm room bed. Kerston told Hannah not to shower—they had to go back to the hospital to secure a rape kit. That weekend, Hannah claims that she was provided the following excuses for why she could not receive a sexual assault medical forensic examination: She was drunk; she ate a sandwich; she was a liar; she didn’t know her attacker’s last name; the police had to authorize the exam; she was outside the hospital’s jurisdiction; she wasn’t reporting a real crime; she was blacked out; she changed her story; her case was already closed.
This is the story of the night Hannah was not officially raped. And so far, Hannah has not officially accused anyone of raping her. In the summer of 2007, she filed a lawsuit against the District of Columbia, Howard University Hospital, George Washington University Hospital, both universities, and several doctors she says denied or interfered with her medical care. She seeks damages for medical malpractice and negligence from the medical defendants and the D.C. police, which she says resulted in “the probable loss of the opportunity to see her assailant brought to justice.” Across the board, the defendants denied Hannah’s claims. The parties in the case, which has yet to go to trial, were not interviewed for this story; this account is reconstructed from sworn deposition testimony taken in Hannah’s suit........
she's not too much of an expert on anything else either
found a new tumblr today

cute boys with cats
i didn't go through the whole thing, but from what i saw, this is one of my favs!
another case of pedophilia

also sheltered by religion but this time LEGAL (sort of). i don't know what sort of gods people believe in (and i'm talking ALL the gods of ALL the religions here) .............and i could say a lot but i am ONLY going to say, no god and no person should think it is ok for an adult to have sex with a 12 year old (in this case KILLING her by having intercourse with her)
Yemeni child bride dies of internal bleeding
By Mohammed Jamjoom, CNN
(CNN) -- A 12-year-old Yemeni bride died of internal bleeding following intercourse three days after she was married off to an older man, the United Nations Children's Fund said.
The girl was married to a man at least twice her age, said Sigrid Kaag, UNICEF regional director for the Middle East and North Africa.
Her death is "a painful reminder of the risks girls face when they are married too soon," Kaag said Thursday.
Amal Basha, chairwoman of the Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights, a Yemeni human rights group, identified the girl Friday as Elham Mahdi.
"Elham was married on March 29th and died three days later" and lived in Yemen's Hajjah province, Basha said.............
pic: Yemen child brides. Image: IRIN
how much more proof do they need
Pope Benedict balked at defrocking California priest over molestation
Washington Post Staff Writer
Newly public documents show that the future Pope Benedict XVI was reluctant in the 1980s to defrock a California priest sentenced to probation for molesting young boys.
Letters over a five-year span between the Diocese of Oakland and the Vatican -- including a 1985 letter signed by then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger -- have come to light at a time when Benedict's involvement in sex abuse cases in the United States and Europe has been under intense scrutiny. Benedict headed an office charged with defrocking some priests.
In a letter dated four years after the Oakland Diocese proposed defrocking the Rev. Stephen Kiesle, Benedict expressed concern that laicizing Kiesle "could provoke some scandal among the faithful," according to an internal document, which called the Vatican guidance "not too encouraging."..............
so ratsy, it was MORE important to you to let someone keep molesting OR to hide the truth, than to have 'the faithful' actually know the fucking TRUTH? you're a sick fuck. do you know that?
at BEST they're misinformed
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
The Big Bang Treaty | |||| | ||||
Friday, April 09, 2010
and from evil slutopia we have...............
Breaking News: The One Million Moms Don't Like Lady Gaga, Glee, Or...High School Musical?
The One Million Moms have been a little boring with their action alerts lately, but their latest effort, entitled "WARNING: Lady Gaga to appear in 'GLEE'", delivers like Domino's. Check it out:
There is singing and dancing in FOX's hit television program "GLEE," but this is no "High School Musical."Okay, this HSM talking point is recycled from their first action alert about Glee, and we still have the same question about it that we had then. Who ever said that Glee was another High School Musical? Aside from the obvious high school and music connections, it's a different show on a different channel with a different target audience. It's just a lazy and silly comparison. But this time they manage to one up themselves:
Not that we approve of either, but "GLEE" is far from a family-friendly program in comparison. Sadly, this program was recently awarded the SAG Award and won the 2010 Golden Globe for "Best Television Series.".............
hair safety
“Putting Glamour in its Proper Wartime Place”
by lisa
you know i DO like a LOT of things
via dangerous minds
just a thought
i joked about setting my shoes ablaze?
rupy rupy rupy; fair and balanced my big fat arse
By David Edwards and Sahil Kapur
Rupert Murdoch insists that his network is "fair and balanced," but he was stumped when asked which of its employees offer credibility to that claim.
During a recent appearance at a George Washington University forum, the Chairman and CEO of Fox News' parent company found it no easy task to fend off questions about the channel's predominantly conservative roster.
"Our news shows, our politics, or whatever -- you know, we have Democrats and Republicans and libertarians, whatever," Murdoch said. The other networks "tend to be Democrats," he added. "Let's be honest about it."
One member of the audience took him up on the claim that Fox News employs Democrats. "If so, who would that be?" he asked.
A visibly nervous Murdoch folded his hands and froze for a few seconds.................Murdoch talks bias, future of news at Kalb Report
by Reid Davenport
Hatchet Reporter
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch was on the defensive at Tuesday night's installment of the Kalb Report, firing back at critics and audience members who said Murdoch's media empire was tainted by a conservative bias.
Murdoch - chairman and CEO of News Corporation, which owns the Wall Street Journal and FOX News Network, among other media outlets - said the anchors at CNN and MSNBC "tend to be Democrats," while the anchors at Fox "are not Republicans."
He said he believes The New York Times' coverage is skewed to the left, saying the publication "very clearly" has an agenda........
Thursday, April 08, 2010
they (work)
oh holy crap on a cracker
Wis. Prosecutor: Sex Ed Rules Could Mean Charges
By TODD RICHMOND Associated Press Writer
'nuff said

Two Republican stars -- Palin and Bachmann -- align for first time
pic: Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, left, and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) took turns bashing President Obama and congressional Democrats at a campaign rally in Minneapolis. (Jim Mone/associated Press)
more input
McPherson on slavery and Virginia's governor
By Valerie Strauss
Events have led me to ask renowed Civil War expert James McPherson for the second time in a few weeks for help in explaining what’s right and what’s wrong.
This time I asked him to tell me how historically accurate Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell was when he declared that April will be Confederate History Month in Virginia, did not include a reference to slavery in his proclamation and then said he left out the subject because "there were any number of aspects to that conflict between the states. Obviously, it involved slavery. It involved other issues. But I focused on the ones I thought were most significant for Virginia."
The governor late in the day issued an apology for not mentioning slavery in his initial announcement. This time he said in a statement, "The abomination of slavery divided our nation, deprived people of their God-given inalienable rights, and led to the Civil War. Slavery was an evil, vicious and inhumane practice which degraded human beings to property, and it has left a stain on the soul of this state and nation."..............
here's a link to mcdonnell's
Virginia governor amends Confederate history proclamation to include slavery
RICHMOND -- After a barrage of nationwide criticism for excluding slavery from his Confederate History Month proclamation, Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R) on Wednesday conceded that it was "a major omission" and amended the document to acknowledge the state's complicated past.
A day earlier, McDonnell said he left out any reference to slavery in the original seven-paragraph proclamation because he wanted to include issues he thought were most "significant" to Virginia. He also said the document was designed to promote tourism in the state, which next year marks the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War.
However, Wednesday afternoon the governor issued a mea culpa for the document's exclusion of slavery. "The proclamation issued by this Office designating April as Confederate History Month contained a major omission," McDonnell said in a statement. "The failure to include any reference to slavery was a mistake, and for that I apologize to any fellow Virginian who has been offended or disappointed.".....
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
rip wilma

a role model. the first female chief of the cherokee
Former Cherokee Nation chief Wilma Mankiller dies
By ROCHELLE HINES and MURRAY EVANS Associated Press Writers
Wilma Mankiller, Cherokee chief, dies
Wilma Mankiller, the first female chief of the Cherokee tribe and one of the few women to lead an American Indian tribe, has died this morning of pancreatic cancer, the Cherokee Phoenix reports. Here's the AP version. The Washington Post version will be posted shortly.
During her 10 years as principal chief, Mankiller helped her tribe triple in size -- it's the second biggest tribe, after the Navajo Nation, in the U.S. She was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame in 1993 and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1998. .........
happy confederates month!!!! (to all y'all crackers out there that is)
again, it's part of our history. that doesn't mean we have to HONOR IT
McDonnell's Confederate History Month proclamation irks civil rights leaders
RICHMOND -- Gov. Robert F. McDonnell, reviving a controversy that had been dormant for eight years, has declared that April will be Confederate History Month in Virginia, a move that angered civil rights leaders Tuesday but that political observers said would strengthen his position with his conservative base.The two previous Democratic governors had refused to issue the mostly symbolic proclamation honoring the soldiers who fought for the South in the Civil War. McDonnell (R) revived a practice started by Republican governor George Allen in 1997. McDonnell left out anti-slavery language that Allen's successor, James S. Gilmore III (R), had included in his proclamation.
McDonnell said Tuesday that the move was designed to promote tourism in the state, which next year will mark the 150th anniversary of the start of the war. .........GUESS WHAT? YOU EFFING LOST THE WAR. get over it
how much more?
how the fuck much more? let's ask the victims and their families
ap article so click away
Vatican says pope target of ‘hate’ campaign
Blames allegations of abuse cover-up on groups with anti-Catholic agenda
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
remember what you see can't be unseen

if you want to see more of dragon man, click the geekologie link
RIGHT HERE (side note: i DO love his dragon eye nipples though)
it's the

you tell me what's wrong with this picture? this didn't happen in the 50s. it happened within the past six years.
is it ok because they shipped him off to india? HELL NO it isn't
Priest Charged in U.S. Is Still Serving in India
A Catholic priest who has been criminally charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in Minnesota six years ago is still working in his home diocese in India despite warnings to the Vatican from an American bishop that the priest continued to pose a risk to children, according to church documents made public on Monday.The documents show that the American bishop warned the Vatican that the priest was accused of molesting two teenage girls whose trust he gained by promising to discuss their interest in becoming nuns.
A county attorney in Minnesota is seeking to extradite the priest from India in a criminal case that involves one of the girls, who said the priest had forced her to perform oral sex and had threatened her and her family.
The case took place during the papacy of Pope Benedict XVI, who has recently come under fire for his role in cases of sexually abusive priests in Germany and Wisconsin.........
pic:Jeff Anderson, left, and Mike Finnegan, lawyers, discussed the case against the Rev. Joseph Palanivel Jeyapaul in St. Paul.
i did not personally watch this video
all is NOT fair in love and war by the way
Wikileaks releases video of Iraq journalist shooting
by Declan McCullagh
A gritty video released by Wikileaks on Monday shows U.S. troops in Iraq destroying a vehicle that was preparing to rush a wounded Reuters journalist to the hospital.
The secret black-and-white video, recorded by at least one Apache helicopter that was shooting at a group of about a dozen people, appears to show the death of a Reuters photographer and his assistant, who were unarmed.
The U.S. Army had rejected Reuters' earlier requests, including ones made under the Freedom of Information Act, to disclose the July 2007 video. Government sources told both Reuters and the Associated Press on Monday that the clip is authentic.
Wikileaks calls it "murder." A Pentagon spokesman, on the other hand, said at the time: "There is no question that coalition forces were clearly engaged in combat operations against a hostile force."........
Monday, April 05, 2010
Peter Walker
Aged 68 and almost half a century past the zenith of his angry, protest-song youth, Bob Dylan must almost have forgotten what it was like to be deemed a threat to society. But it seems at least one place still sees him as a dangerous radical.
Dylan's planned tour of east Asia later this month has been called off after Chinese officials refused permission for him to play in Beijing and Shanghai, his local promoters said. China's ministry of culture, which vets planned concerts by overseas artists, appeared wary of Dylan's past as an icon of the counterculture movement, said Jeffrey Wu, of the Taiwan-based promoters Brokers Brothers Herald.
Dylan fans denied the chance to see their hero might also blame Björk, who caused consternation among Chinese officials two years ago by shouting pro-Tibet slogans at a concert in Shanghai, Wu told Hong Kong's South China Morning Post....................
it's the lying
U.S. Admits Role in February Killing of Afghan Women
KABUL, Afghanistan — After initially denying involvement or any cover-up in the deaths of three Afghan women during a badly bungled American Special Operations assault in February, the American-led military command in Kabul admitted late on Sunday that its forces had, in fact, killed the women during the nighttime raid.
The admission immediately raised questions about what really happened during the Feb. 12 operation — and what falsehoods followed — including a new report that Special Operations forces dug bullets out of the bodies of the women to hide the nature of their deaths.
A NATO official also said Sunday that an Afghan-led team of investigators had found signs of evidence tampering at the scene, including the removal of bullets from walls near where the women were killed. On Monday, however, a senior NATO official denied that any tampering had occurred................
Sunday, April 04, 2010
you know what?
if i've had too much to drink (oh i think i did ONCE) and i'm with a man, that does NOT give him the right to assault me. NO, I'M NOT FUCKING ASKING FOR IT.
American University newspaper apologizing for date-rape column
Washington Post Staff Writers
The American University student newspaper said Tuesday it would issue an apology for publishing a column that called date rape "an incoherent concept." The column sparked angry online responses from scores of students, and a handful of students demonstrated outside the newspaper's offices.
"We realize that this column was probably not -- no, it was not -- in the best taste," Jen Calantone, editor in chief of the Eagle, said Tuesday. "The column offended a lot of people, and as a human being, that upsets me."
The column, "Dealing with AU's anti-sex brigade," was written by sophomore Alex Knepper, whose views have infuriated students before. In the column, which appeared in the newspaper Monday, Knepper wrote that any woman who attends a fraternity party, has five drinks and goes back to a man's room "is indicating that she wants sex" and should not "cry 'date rape' " the next morning.................
love love LOVE this
and here's a link to an interview with the family on cbs morning show via rafamuffin soul carlos and heather's blog (and oh yeah, he's a pastor)
this was originally found via sociological images as well
you know i get so angry i literally get headaches
to the peeps of gunn. thank you. for the second time in a week i've see what REAL people are capable of doing. again, thank you