'holiday' pictures
(don't know who took either of these, i LOVE the ladder one.)
gifts: (image credit: Rob Sheridan)
please do check them ALL out at dark roasted blend

NEW YORK (AP) -- A family friend says Eartha Kitt, a sultry singer, dancer and actress who rose from South Carolina cotton fields to become an international symbol of elegance and sensuality, has died. She was 81.
Andrew Freedman says Kitt died Thursday of colon cancer and was recently treated at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York......Earlier this month, Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) released a report citing “more than 650 international scientists” who back up his claims that manmade global warming is a hoax. This list was a revision of his original compilation of 400 names earlier in the year. That list fell apart, however, when experts pointed out that many of those people 1) had no background in climate science, or 2) “demanded to be taken off, since they didn’t disagree with the scientific consensus on climate change at all.”
Inhofe’s new report with 650 “experts” doesn’t seem to be much better. Anja Eichler, one of the scientists cited by Inhofe as believing that half of the earth’s warming is caused by the sun, said that her work was “misinterpreted”; in fact, she believes that “Earth’s temperature does not change randomly — it changes when it is driven to do so by an external forcing.” TNR’s Bradford Plumer also found others on this list new who appear to support the theory of manmade global warming.
Yesterday on MSNBC, David Shuster grilled Inhofe on his report, bringing up the case of Eichler. After pointing out all the problems with the report, Shuster asked, “Senator, if there is a hoax, isn’t it this report of yours?” Inhofe continued to dig in his heels, insisting that the “majority” still agreed with him:
INHOFE: Let’s assume that you believe that CO2 caused, as you obviously do, causes…............
i heard him being interviewed by the bbc on npr this morning on my way to work. i was quite moved
The same regulatory agency, the Office of Thrift Supervision, allowed similar legerdemain by other banks, according to a letter sent yesterday to members of Congress by the Treasury Department's inspector general, Eric Thorson. The letter did not provide details about the other incidents.
The finding that OTS on several occasions "blessed a fiction," in the words of one congressional staffer, renews questions about the agency's relationship with the companies it regulates and about its complicity in the collapse this year of several of the nation's largest thrifts, including Washington Mutual and Countrywide Financial.....
Back in 2002, Sara and I purchased a DVD from Japan that featured an incredible motion painting by David Ellis and the Barnstormers. The film was called Apostrophe and it absolutely blew us away.
Much like what Blu did in MUTO, David's animated films are created by first painting, then erasing, and then replacing the artwork while a stop-action camera captures each moment. Similar to an incredible jazz performance, the Barnstormer's films were improvised and done completely collaboratively.
While Apostrophe is not available on the web, many of The Barnstormers films (as well as those done by David Ellis alone) can indeed be found on Vimeo and Youtube. For us, they're about as good as it gets. ..............