yo yo yo search it!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

my personal favorirte is denmark. man, that IS the best

  • The Netherlands: “The tomato soup is overcooked”
  • Brazil: “I’m with Chico”
  • China: “Little Sister has come”
  • many parts of Latin America: “Jenny has a red dress on”
  • Australia: “I’ve got the flags out”
  • Denmark: “There are Communists in the funhouse”
  • Ireland: “I’m wearing a jam rag”
  • England: “I’m flying the Japanese flag”
  • Japan: “Little Miss Strawberry”
  • France: “The English have arrived”
  • Germany: “The cranberry woman is coming”
  • Puerto Rico: “Did the rooster already sing?”
  • South Africa: “Granny’s stuck in traffic”
do YOU know what they are all referring to?

click here if you don't


I usually just go with “Shark Week”

i CANNOT get enough religious shite

especially these days~

Screaming Boy: The Twisted story of Rev. Jonathan Bell

by Richard Metzger
Jonathan Bell, AKA Screaming Boy, first came to my attention via a VHS tape given to me in the mid-90s of the only two episodes of his Dallas, TX-based cable access evangelical program. He screamed a lot, talked (yelled) about Jesus, abortions, gays and how you were going to GO TO HELL! His favorite topics seemed to be abused children and how you were going to GO TO HELL. .....................

i first learned about the drummers of burundi

through joni mitchell's the jungle line (on the hissing of summer lawns)

and now, i just came across this amazing music from burundi as well
Musiques Traditionelles du Burundi
Meara O'Reilly

This album from the legenday Ocora label is really one of my favorites on the planet.

When I first heard these two girls sing I had to be actively convinced it wasn't just pieces of a tape recording that had been spliced together! (Ocora co-founder Pierre Schaeffer also pioneered the early tape-splicing music movement known as Musique Concrete, so I wasn't totally nuts):

Akaheze par deux jeune filles

I just wrote about the amazing ability of some birds to sing multiple notes at once. This woman's ability to switch rapidly between her head and chest voice is totally daring anyone to say humans couldn't defy all odds and learn to do it too:

Akazehe par une jeune fille

The liner notes for these songs say that this woman is using her lips as a reed. If you listen carefully, you can hear the switch over to her normal voice. It's a traditional kind of song for mourning:

Ubuhuha 1

Ubuhuha 2................................

bonus: here's a version of dreamland i never even knew existed:

yup, they're tagging FOOD

New Food and Packaging /
Edible food colouring spray


this isn't exactly what you think it is

a treatise on elegant publishing

click the link to find out exactly WHAT it really is........



i cannot pretend to know what it's like to be deaf

i hope i never know what's it's like to be deaf. i DO know a tiny bit about the deaf community (here in the greater hartford area). i hung with them for a bit when i studied sign language. it's a VERY tight community. it's a community that generally sees itself as NOT having a disability by the way.

i DO know something about a child being abused by an adult. i know how it feels. i know how it feels physically and mentally. i know what it does to you. i know you try to forget it and i know sometimes it does seem like it goes away...........................

it doesn't matter if you're deaf or hearing. it's beyond frightening. it also scars one for life. sure you can SORT of get over it, but it never truly leaves you. it's like a burr that sticks to your pants except you can't ever pick it off.

it's worse when you tell and no one believes you. that's worse than ANYTHING.

there's no excuse if you KNEW about it and did nothing, you are GUILTY TOO. it's high time for some housecleaning

For Years, Deaf Boys Tried to Tell of Priest’s Abuse

They were deaf, but they were not silent. For decades, a group of men who were sexually abused as children by the Rev. Lawrence C. Murphy at a school for the deaf in Wisconsin reported to every type of official they could think of that he was a danger, according to the victims and church documents.

They told other priests. They told three archbishops of Milwaukee. They told two police departments and the district attorney. They used sign language, written affidavits and graphic gestures to show what exactly Father Murphy had done to them. But their reports fell on the deaf ears of hearing people.

This week, they learned that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, received letters about Father Murphy in 1996 from Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland of Milwaukee, who said that the deaf community needed “a healing response from the Church.” The Vatican sat on the case, then equivocated, and when Father Murphy died in 1998, he died a priest...........

i don't care who you are, if you are against HIM

you ain't all bad! we just have to wake EVERYONE up (not just 'christians')

Christians stand up to Glenn Beck

By Jim Wallis

Glenn Beck has picked a fight with me, but he recently started a more troubling battle with the nation's churches with his criticism that "social justice" is "code" for "communism" and "Nazism," and that Christians should leave their churches if they preach, practice or even have the phrase on their Web site.

While Beck initially claimed that "social justice is a perversion of the Gospel," he now suggests his concern was really the association of the phrase with "Big Government." He even adds that when "social justice" refers simply to individual charity, it is permissible to him. But for millions of people, this is not a joking matter. Christians across the theological and political spectrum believe that social justice is central to the teachings of Jesus and at the heart of biblical faith. .................

yeah, what it says!


Friday, March 26, 2010

how does a dung beetle cross the road?


this is what i look like under my evening gowns


i never gave them permission to tell my life story!


we found my grandmother's record

at ellis island. my cousin kept it (i think i'll ask for a copy). but noni (it's nona usually, but we always called her noni) left me her wedding ring. i was surprised and absolutely delighted. she died at 102. she saw the 1800s, the 1900s and she died shortly after 2000. i know a bit about all of my grandparents but i sure do wish i had asked and learned more.

“Becoming American”: Claiming Whiteness

by gwen
Mary, writer of the fabulous blog Cooking with the Junior League, sent in an episode of the PBS series Faces of America. The episode, titled “Becoming American,” looks at the immigrant origins of various celebrities (Meryl Streep, Stephen Colbert) in the period of massive immigration to the U.S. from about 1820 until 1924...............

by the way, you can search ellis island records online here

(just did a search for the hell of it and found some relatives arriving from 1892 to 1920. COOL)

my favorite number


where were (and are) the screaming sign waving

racial epithet yelling, threat calling teabagging fools when all this was (AND STILL IS) going on? how much did we THROW AWAY on iraq? they're complaining because we want to help OUR OWN citizens and they don't give a flying fuck about what we did to a country of iraqis? we RUINED their lives. we RUINED their country and we're still doing it.

as of 1:26 am eastern on march 26th this is how much iraq (JUST iraq) has cost us so far: 713,928,670,013

that does NOT count the amount of money we're going to toss into that country in the future NOR does it count the price we are going to have to pay to take care of our broken veterans.


KBR mechanics worked as little as 43 minutes a month

By John Byrne

Need a lesson on how to make money in a war zone?

Try studying defense contractor KBR, a former unit of Dick Cheney's Halliburton. The engineering logistics company -- whose conflict zone days date to the Vietnam War -- won a contract worth $4.6 million to repair military vehicles at a base outside Baghdad. For the job, they employed 144 mechanics.

How many hours do you think they worked?

According to an analysis by Mother Jones, based on a report by a Pentagon Inspector General, the 144 KBR mechanics worked as little as 43 minutes per month, on average...................

Thursday, March 25, 2010

i AM real 'good'


and this gives me the PERFECT opportunity to sneak in a scene from one of MY favorite movies of all times and a classic no matter HOW one defines that word: the late GREAT wendy o. williams (by the way, she died in connecticut) in REFORM SCHOOL GIRLS

why are there still catholics?

your jesus would ban HOMOSEXUALS (from i guess everything) but NOT pedophile priests and the higher ups who cover for them?

what kind of monsters ARE YOU?

NYT: Pope Benedict played direct role in protecting priest who molested over 200 deaf boys

The New York Times has a blockbuster article on the case of a Wisconsin priest who admitted molesting over 200 deaf boys. The guy was a monster. But, he had protectors in high places at the Vatican. And, one of his protectors is now the Pope:

Top Vatican officials — including the future Pope Benedict XVI — did not defrock a priest who molested as many as 200 deaf boys, even though several American bishops repeatedly warned them that failure to act on the matter could embarrass the church, according to church files newly unearthed as part of a lawsuit................

par exemple (see previous posting)

the pic is from sarevil's facebook page

Palin tells followers to ‘reload’ and ‘aim for’ Democrats
By David Edwards and Muriel Kane

Since the passage of health care reform last weekend, there has been increasingly violent language coming from opponents of the legislation, along with vandalism directed at Democratic members of Congress.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has now done her part to raise the rhetorical intensity, telling her Twitter followers, "Commonsense Conservatives & lovers of America: 'Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!'"

Palin then refers supporters to her Facebook page, where she once again employs gun imagery in offering a list of 20 potentially vulnerable pro-reform Democrats in Congress..............

stay classy 'protesters'

it's not enough to hurl the 'n' word and the 'f'' word and goddess knows what other cruelties out there.

now you're threatening violence! yup. classy

no matter HOW much i disagreed with 99.9% of what king george's administration did (including sending thousands of our men and women to their deaths), did i ever in a million years wish him or his, harm. that is just not within me. i wouldn't even think of throwing a brick through a republican lawmaker's window (office or home). if i ran into them on the street SURE I'D HAVE A HEATED CONVERSATION with them but never ever ever ever would i harm them or theirs.

that's the difference right there. I HAVE A SOUL and all YOU have is beck and limburger

Lawmakers concerned as health-care overhaul foes resort to violence
Washington Post Staff Writer

The pitched battle over health care has unleashed a rash of vandalism and attacks directed at politicians, with at least 10 House Democrats reporting death threats or incidents of harassment or vandalism at their district offices over the past week

More than 100 House Democrats met behind closed doors Wednesday afternoon with representatives of the FBI and the U.S. Capitol Police. The lawmakers voiced what one senior aide who was present described as "serious concern" about their security in Washington and in their home districts when they return this weekend for the spring recess.

Usually only the congressional leadership has regular personal protection from the Capitol Police. But at least 10 lawmakers have been offered increased protection by law enforcement agencies, said House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.)...............

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

i almost forgot what today is!

from naral

It’s March which can only mean one thing…It’s time to back it up! Today is the 9th annual Back Up Your Birth Control Day of Action. Back Up Your Birth Control is a national campaign to expand access to emergency contraception (EC) by increasing education and raising awareness.

Wednesday would be a great day to remind your readers how to they can prevent pregnancy after sex and highlight all the victories we've seen in EC access in the last year: Over-the-counter access for 17-year-olds; FDA approval of the one-pill form of Plan B and the generic version; and the Pentagon's decision to finally allow EC on military bases worldwide.

You can also urge your readers to sign a petition to the FDA and the White House asking them to end unnecessary age restrictions on EC. Last year, a federal court ruled that the FDA should make EC available to 17-year-olds over-the-counter, and urged the FDA to re-review the evidence for over-the-counter access for all women at risk of unintended pregnancy. A whole year has gone by and it's high time the FDA heeds the court's advice and grants young women timely access to EC!

For more information about EC and the campaign, check out the website. Thanks for your help in making sure all women know how to back up their birth control!


The Back Up Your Birth Control Team

the man who planted trees (animation by Frédéric Back)

from Meara O'Reilly at boing boing

i THINK this is real.....

wonder how many big fat weenie head id-jits would shell out moolah for something THIS FUCKING STUPID

Vulva Original: Vagina-Scented Perfume

Vulva Original is the perfume that smells like a vagina (With a name like that, it had better). Is this a good idea? I can’t tell. In theory it could be a good idea, but is it really a good idea? Please weigh in on the comments if you have an opinion about this. Not an opinion of vaginas in general please, but of this particular product.

DALLAS - A new scent claims to accurately capture the “the vaginal scent of a beautiful woman.”

Vulva Original bills itself not as a perfume, but an erotic feminine scent designed to offer pleasure and arousal by smelling it..................................

Posted by Richard Metzger

vid nsfw

not too very much to say on health care

other than i'm glad it's here (i hope i hope i hope). it's nowhere NEAR perfect, but it's a start

please don't tell me how this is going to drive you and your children into the poor house. please don't. why didn't you and aren't you complaining about the cost of us being in iraq (and future costs including caring for all the men and women who come back not whole mentally or physically)?

tell me something, do you think your insurance premiums are NOT going to go up even if we had no health care bill? please. get real

my ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex boss (i was in my early 20s when i worked with him) sent me an email yesterday at work (i had not heard from him in years and years and years by the way) from dimwit demint telling me the whole world was going to go to hell in a handbasket unless i signed his petition.

well i of course sent my ex ex ex ex.....boss back an email telling him he forwarded that email to the WRONG PERSON and i thanked him for his sense of humor. he then made the mistake of trying to convince me of the error of my ways. lets just say it ended with an email from him saying, 'i give up. i don't know what i was thinking'.

so jimmy bob boy you were fun and all but dang, where did you go so wrong?

i thought this was kind of interesting

Indian military to weaponize world's hottest chili

story and pic: ap

a big ol' merci/thanks to my friends in the great white north

you've done what we can't do here. SILENCE one of THE biggest hosers in the entire universe

once again, thanks/merci
(p.s. i don't approve of violence. just wanted to make that clear. i DO approve of the 'boisterousness' though)

Ann Coulter speech cancelled after thousands protest

OTTAWA—Security officials have scrubbed American right-winger Ann Coulter’s speech at the University of Ottawa after a boisterous protest prompted concerns for her safety.

A spokesman for the group that organized the event said there were fears for Coulter’s well-being after about two thousand people gathered outside the venue to protest her presence there................

pic via

Tuesday, March 23, 2010



i did a posting on fiji water a while ago

i am not a bottled water type o' babe. i LIKE tap water. i don't like pretension. i also try not to drink out of plastic even though i get bombarded by stories telling me how safe it is

i did just buy a kleen kanteen and i LOVE it. i got the big 40 oz one. the neck is wide enough for me to put ice in it. i bring it to work every day too.

read the comments as well, on the boing boing story linked below.

The Story of Bottled Water

Mark Frauenfelder

The makers of The Story of Stuff have a new video about the "manufactured demand" of expensive bottled water. (Xeni posted a teaser a couple of weeks ago.)

When Fiji water launched an ad campaign that made fun of Cleveland tap water, the city of Cleveland ran tests comparing its water to Fiji water. "These tests showed a glass of Fiji water is lower quality, it loses taste tests against Cleveland tap water, and costs thousands of times more. This story is typical of what happens when you bottled tap water against tap water.".................

saw this on boing boing this morn

and i knew i HAD to share this

Cackle Sisters

Before they were the first women to become famous on the Grand Ole Opry and the National Barn Dance, The Cackle Sisters, (also known as the DeZurick Sisters) were raised on a farm in Royalton, Minnesota. To develop their unique yodeling style, Caroline De Zurik has said they simply "listened to the birds and tried to sing with the birds."...........

Monday, March 22, 2010

i have been complaining of late...because i didn't understand something

i didn't understand why and how people were opposed to a health care bill (in general). with this video it's CRYSTAL clear. it makes SO much sense.

i now see the light. I GET IT


no words


from WWdN: in exhile (wil wheaton's blog)

i'm only sorry mr randi (whom i admire a GREAT deal) had to wait so very long to 'come out' (but i sure as shite know why he had to wait)

James Randi: "I'm gay."

James Randi says:

Well, here goes. I really resent the term, but I use it because it’s recognized and accepted.
I’m gay.
From some seventy years of personal experience, I can tell you that there’s not much “gay” about being homosexual. For the first twenty years of my life, I had to live in the shadows, in a culture that was — at least outwardly — totally hostile to any hint of that variation of life-style.
Gradually, the general attitude that I’d perceived around me began to change, and presently I find that there has emerged a distinctly healthy acceptance of different social styles of living — except, of course, in cultures that live in constant and abject fear of divine retribution for infractions found in the various Holy Books… In another two decades, I’m confident that young people will find themselves in a vastly improved atmosphere of acceptance............

Sunday, March 21, 2010

oh my goddess this is WONDERFUL

being that i hang in an irish pub and soccer is ALWAYS on and the WORLD CUP is this year.........this video is THE BEST


my favorite guitarist in the WHOLE wide world


Heitor Villa-Lobos

ascot, 1936




if only she WOULD go to amarica we'd all be a LOT better off




nestle's makes the very best rainforest go away

this isn't easy to watch

Nestlé tried to censor Greenpeace advert but failed

can't wait...........

if this is ONLY 1/4 as good as the wire, i'd be satisfied

The HBO Auteur

It was a bright, warm, blue-skied December afternoon in Central City, New Orleans, and in this neighborhood of humble shotgun houses and overgrown empty lots, a convoy of white trucks and trailers idled incongruously while unmarked police cars blocked intersections nearby. On any other morning, a police presence would have meant more bad news: in a city that has one of the highest homicide rates in the United States, this neighborhood — roughly a mile from the French Quarter — has a murder rate that, in recent years, has hit quadruple that of the city as a whole. This morning, however, the 20 drivers, as well as 80 other crew members who hefted and humped a boggling array of gear at the tumbledown corner of Second Street and South Liberty, had anything but murder in mind: they were six hours into a day of filming the third episode of “Treme,” David Simon’s new HBO drama — co-created by the seasoned television writer and producer Eric Overmyer — which is set in post-Katrina New Orleans and will make its debut on April 11..................

Peter van Agtmael/Magnum, for The New York Times

MAKING A SCENE From left, two executive producers of “Treme,” Nina K. Noble and David Simon, with two stand-ins, Sam Davenport and Raion Hill. More Photos »

please see the previous posting

THIS is what the teasuckersbaggers SHOULD be protesting. shite like this. when a big pharma company (in this instance it's pharma but it COULD be ANY big-bidnez run by the good ol' whiteboyz network) is fined a BILLION dollars and they go on their merry way making more of ALL sorts of cash and doing all sorts of nasty things, something is very wrong with the system AND US too, indeed.

this is just disgusting and obscene

When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

Prosecutor Michael Loucks remembers clearly when attorneys for Pfizer, the world's largest drug company, looked across the table and promised it wouldn't break the law again. ¶ It was January 2004, and the lawyers were negotiating in a conference room on the ninth floor of the federal courthouse in Boston, where Loucks was head of the health-care fraud unit of the U.S. Attorney's Office. One of Pfizer's units had been pushing doctors to prescribe an epilepsy drug called Neurontin for uses the Food and Drug Administration had never approved. ¶ In the agreement the lawyers eventually hammered out, the Pfizer unit, Warner-Lambert, pleaded guilty to two felony counts of marketing a drug for unapproved uses. New York-based Pfizer agreed to pay $430 million in criminal fines and civil penalties, and the company's lawyers assured Loucks and three other prosecutors that Pfizer and its units would stop promoting drugs for unauthorized purposes. ¶ What Loucks, who was acting U.S. attorney in Boston until November, didn't know until years later was that Pfizer managers were breaking that pledge not to practice off-label marketing even before the ink was dry on their plea.

On the morning of Sept. 2, 2009, another Pfizer unit, Pharmacia & Upjohn, agreed to plead guilty to the same crime. This time, Pfizer executives had been instructing more than 100 salespeople to promote Bextra -- a drug approved only for the relief of arthritis and menstrual discomfort -- for treatment of acute pain of all kinds.

For this new felony, Pfizer paid the largest criminal fine in U.S. history: $1.19 billion. On the same day, it paid $1 billion to settle civil cases involving the off-label promotion of Bextra and three other drugs with the United States and 49 states.

"At the very same time Pfizer was in our office negotiating and resolving the allegations of criminal conduct in 2004, Pfizer was itself in its other operations violating those very same laws," Loucks, 54, says. "They've repeatedly marketed drugs for things they knew they couldn't demonstrate efficacy for. That's clearly criminal."..................

not even a tiny baby who can't yet speak

is surprised these mobs are racists and homophobes. this is NOT the first time they've proven it.

to this day i have NO idea what they're protesting health-case wise that is.

do you not know our health care system is VERY broken? do you not care? will you start caring when you or a loved one gets raked over the coals by it?

sure, this health care bill is no where near perfect but damn, we MUST start somewhere

oh and p.s. BACHMANN STFU!!!

'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs
Washington Post Staff Writer
Members of the Congressional Black Caucus said that racial epithets were hurled at them Saturday by angry protesters who had gathered at the Capitol to protest health-care legislation, and one congressman said he was spit upon. The most high-profile openly gay congressman, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), was heckled with anti-gay chants.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) issued a statement late Saturday saying that he was spit upon while walking to the Capitol to cast a vote, leading the Capitol Police to usher him into the building out of concern for his safety. Police detained the individual, who was then released because Cleaver declined to press charges.

"The congressman was walking into the Capitol to vote, when one protester spat on him. The congressman would like to thank the U.S. Capitol Police officer who quickly escorted the other Members and him into the Capitol, and defused the tense situation with professionalism and care," said Danny Rotert, a spokesman for Cleaver.........

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