i know if i was in charge of picking someone to oversee a health program dealing mainly with women - i'd pick someone who DIDN'T BELIEVE IN BIRTH CONTROL but DID believe in abstinence (among other things)N O Tis anyone keeping any sort of tally of all these appointees? seems like there are so very many. more than ALL other administrations put together (or is it just moi?)Heckuva job? Bush Administration vaunted bogus credentials for birth control czar, records showLindsay
Beyerstein and Larisa
AlexandrovnaMedical Directorship was part time or volunteer post, group says
The former head of the federal agency overseeing family planning programs misled the public about his qualifications and background, a RAW STORY investigation has found.
Appointed by President George W. Bush in late 2006 as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Eric J. Keroack resigned unexpectedly in March of this year after Massachusetts officials launched a formal investigation into allegations of Medicaid fraud during his tenure in private practice.
Medicaid is a state-federal health program for the poor.
Although as an appointee he quickly became mired in controversy over his opposition to birth control, abortion and comprehensive sex education, newly obtained documents show that from the start Dr. Keroack was far from qualified to head the federal women’s health program. ..............HHS officials repeatedly cited Keroack’s long tenure in private practice as one of his key qualifications, along with his highly publicized role as medical director for a chain of Christian pregnancy centers.
According to the Washington Post, “Eric Keroack, a nationally known advocate of abstinence until marriage, served for more than a decade as medical director for A Woman’s Concern, a Massachusetts nonprofit group that discourages abortion and does not distribute information promoting birth control. But HHS spokeswoman Christina Pearson said yesterday that most of Keroack’s professional time had been devoted to his private practice of 20 years, not the group.”................