Saturday, January 08, 2011
this ap story in wapo is pretty damn interesting
it would be funny too, except it involves NAZIs
Heil Hound: Nazis dogged by Hitler-mocking mutt
pic: The undated photo taken from a book on the history of Finnish Tamro Group shows Tor Borg and his dog Jackie. The dog was dubbed Hitler by Borg's wife as it raised its paw for the Nazi salute. The Nazis started an investigation against the dog's owner, a 41-year-old wholesale merchant in Finland. In the middle of World War II, the Foreign Office in Berlin commanded its diplomats in the Nazi-friendly Nordic country to gather evidence against the Hitler-saluting hound and forged plans to destroy the dog owner's existence. (AP Photo/Tamro Group image bank) (AP)
Friday, January 07, 2011
TYWKIWDBI ("Tai-Wiki-Widbee"): An unusual cemetery in northern Iran
TYWKIWDBI ("Tai-Wiki-Widbee"): An unusual cemetery in northern Iran: "Three shrines and hundreds of tombstones left by an unknown people - The cemetery lays in the northern part of Golestan province, in the mou..."
A L P H A V I L L E: Lonely?
A L P H A V I L L E: Lonely?: "Deuteronomy 22:28-29 (KJV) If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and the..."
YET MORE friday humor
Humans are clueless on cause of oceanic tides, Bill O’Reilly claims
By Stephen C. Webster
What causes oceanic tides to crest and fall? According to conservative opinion host Bill O'Reilly, it's a mystery.
It's not actually a mystery, but to the Republican Fox News Channel's favorite grouch, tidal movements are apparently proof positive that an invisible man is pulling the strings of reality.....................
................"Maybe it's Thor up on Mount Olympus who's making the tides go in and out," Silverman retorted.
"No-no-no!" the host objected. "You can't explain that. You can't explain it."
"A myth and religion are the same thing," Silverman said. "It doesn't matter that I can't explain it. It doesn't mean that an invisible magic man in the sky is doing it."
Of course, he can explain tidal movements, as can many 5th-8th grade students in US public schools.
In short, oceanic tides are caused by the moon's rotation around the earth, with inertia and gravity causing a sea swell as it passes. Scientists have measured the phenomenon in great detail, documenting two distinct tidal bulges that circle the earth as the moon sweeps around it.............
"No-no-no!" the host objected. "You can't explain that. You can't explain it."
"A myth and religion are the same thing," Silverman said. "It doesn't matter that I can't explain it. It doesn't mean that an invisible magic man in the sky is doing it."
Of course, he can explain tidal movements, as can many 5th-8th grade students in US public schools.
In short, oceanic tides are caused by the moon's rotation around the earth, with inertia and gravity causing a sea swell as it passes. Scientists have measured the phenomenon in great detail, documenting two distinct tidal bulges that circle the earth as the moon sweeps around it.............
i'm just sayin'..........................
get the man a box o' tissues. perchance THAT will help him think
After Railing Against Government Spending, Speaker Boehner Can’t Name One Program He Would Cut
By Pat Garofalo
Campaigning before the recent midterm elections, House Republicans were adamant that, if given power, they would cut government spending. However, when pressed for specifics, many were unable to list even one single item they would cut from the budget. “The line-item will be across-the-board,” Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) embarrassingly responded when asked for specific cuts................
a lil' friday humor
these people really ARE eating their own. if it's not the HOMOSEXUAL agenda, i guess it's the MUSLIM agenda
Conservatives claim anti-tax crusader secretly leading Muslim indoctrination
By Eric W. Dolan
Conservatives claim anti-tax crusader secretly leading Muslim indoctrination
By Eric W. Dolan
Are a growing cross-section of American conservatives really secret Muslims bent on destroying western civilization?
Answer: No.
But that's not stopping right-wing activist Frank Gaffney from claiming the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) had been infiltrated by radical Muslims because of the inclusion of Americans for Tax Reform president Grover Norquist and former Bush staffer Suhail Khan.
American Conservative Union (ACU), the oldest conservative lobbying organization in the country which hosts CPAC, is involved in a "stealthy effort to bring Shariah" to the United States, according to Gaffney..............
Thursday, January 06, 2011
less than a handful of rePUGnacan't are turning down
their government health insurance. hypocrites? you tell me
Rep.-Elect Walsh Joins Just Four Other Republicans In Forgoeing Government Health Care For Themselves
i'm just sayin'
Prominent Republicans Openly Back a Terrorist Group: Why Aren't the "GOP Four" Arrested?
Submitted by BuzzFlash
they call for OUR heads. i think we MUST start calling for THEIRS now
Submitted by BuzzFlash
Here is an interesting piece of news from the Washington Post (dated 23 December 2010). "A group of prominent U.S. Republicans" went to Paris last month to attend a rally of the French Committee for a Democratic Iran. This organization just happens to be intimately connected with the Mujaheddin-e Khalq (MEK). And what is the MEK? It is a Iranian exile group, originally Marxist in ideology, that has been on the State Department's list of terrorist organizations since 1997. And, as we will see, our "prominent Republican" visitors knew of this connection-knew it and apparently were not put off by the fact at all............
they call for OUR heads. i think we MUST start calling for THEIRS now
i'm posting this because

i AM a fan of banksy and a lot of my friends are as well
New Doubts for a Film That Has Truth Issues
When “Exit Through the Gift Shop,” the artistic conundrum of a documentary wrapped around the street artist Banksy, opened last year, it spawned more than a few critical essays’ worth of thorny, postmodern questions. Was it a hoax staged by an internationally known cultural prankster or a wry commentary on an overblown art world? Was its putative star, an extravagantly mutton-chopped Frenchman named Thierry Guetta, as crazy as he seemed, or merely crazy like a mutton-chopped fox? Or — wait a minute, was he Banksy? Even as the film has advanced to the documentary shortlist for the Academy Awards, audiences and critics continue to debate whether it’s authentic, or a commentary on authenticity, or both. Or neither. .................
Paranoid Pictures
Thierry Guetta begins “Exit Throughthe Gift Shop” as a filmmaker then winds up making some of his own street art
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Roger ebert
Just tweeted you can get a one year subscription to vegetarian times for $6.99 at
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
so absolutely true
it's like everyone of those nut-bags who huff and puff about abortions being murder then stopping their caring about the fetus when it actually is born. wtf??????????
Read more:,9171,1968110,00.html#ixzz1A2uNx0mw
so you're all worried and stuff 'homos' in the military are going to try to seduce your son or get your son killed in a foxhole because all that 'homo' is thinking about is SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX (you get the idea) YET no one gives a FLYING FUCK WOMEN ARE BEING RAPED AT EPIDEMIC PROPORTIONS in our military.
What does it tell us that female soldiers deployed overseas stop drinking water after 7 p.m. to reduce the odds of being raped if they have to use the bathroom at night? Or that a soldier who was assaulted when she went out for a cigarette was afraid to report it for fear she would be demoted — for having gone out without her weapon? Or that, as Representative Jane Harman puts it, "a female soldier in Iraq is more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire."
The fight over "Don't ask, don't tell" made headlines this winter as an issue of justice and history and the social evolution of our military institutions...............
Read more:,9171,1968110,00.html#ixzz1A2uNx0mw
people are going to be pissed at me
so what else is new you're saying to yourself? well, i normally don't post political or touchy subject stuff on facebook. i posted this story and made a crack about owning guns. you see, i know a bunch of people (mostly in their very early 20s, some older) who think it's a GREAT idea to go out and shoot guns, then eventually buy some guns. a lot of these very same people get so fucking drunk four or five times a week, they lose their cars (which is actually GOOD. they should NOT be driving). sober i don't think people should have a gun. drunk? well that's a tragedy just waiting to happen
it's an ap story, so click the link
it's an ap story, so click the link
Ohio boy, 10, faces charge in mom's fatal shooting
pic: A ten-year old boy sits with leg irons in a courtroom during his court appearance Monday, Jan. 3, 2011, in Millersburg, Ohio. The boy has been charged as a juvenile with murder in the fatal shooting of his mother after authorities said he told a neighbor about the killing. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak) (Tony Dejak - AP)
Monday, January 03, 2011
a couple of pictures i took with my iphone yesterday
i got a couple of new apps and wanted to use them. one is; photoshop express (WHICH IS FREE) and the other is darkroom (WHICH IS ALSO FREE, although you can buy an upgrade which includes a self timer).
i also got 8mm (video app). it has several film types and effects (grainy old timey back in the day kinda stuff). it's fun to play around with
i also got 8mm (video app). it has several film types and effects (grainy old timey back in the day kinda stuff). it's fun to play around with
i thought this quite odd, wapo has a story on
Mexican pro wrestlers keep drug-trafficking culture out of the lucha libre ring
Washington Post Staff Writer
It is another rowdy fight night at the Arena Mexico as burly combatants in bikini briefs and colorful masks are flung from the ring amid a rain of insults from the crowd. Mexican professional wrestling, known as lucha libre, is pure entertainment. Like its steroidal cousin to the north, it is as funny as it is phony, but the Mexican style is less talk, more aerials. .........
Like its steroidal cousin to the north, lucha libre is as funny as it is phony, but the style is less talk, more aerials. "The Mexicans are not as good of fakers as the Americans, but they're better acrobats," said Jorge Chabat, a world-renowned expert on drug cartels and lifelong lucha libre fanatico.
David McNew / Getty ImagesSunday, January 02, 2011
from sociological images..
this isn't true for EACH and EVERY game, but i'd say for 95% of 'em it sho nuff is
Gender, Boobs, and Video Game Characters
by lisa,
The Daily Irritant: A Theology Lesson From Pat Robertson
The Daily Irritant: A Theology Lesson From Pat Robertson: "VIRGINIA BEACH (The Borowitz Report) - Rev. Pat Robertson sparked controversy in today's broadcast of his 700 Club program when he claimed ..."
this is tragic and it never EVER should have happened
it sure does look like it COULD have been prevented too - well at least prevented from happening in afghanistan. far from home and family
i've said it before and i'll say it again, some times i think WE are savages and to the family and friends of
Staff Sgt. David Senft i am so very sorry for your loss
Several Warnings, Then a Soldier’s Lonely Death
WASHINGTON — A gentle snow fell on the funeral of Staff Sgt. David Senft at Arlington National Cemetery on Dec. 16, when his bitterly divided California family came together to say goodbye. His 5-year-old son received a flag from a grateful nation. But that brief moment of peace could not hide the fact that for his family and friends and the soldiers who had served with him in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, too many unanswered questions remained about Sergeant Senft’s lonely death in a parked sport utility vehicle on an American air base in Afghanistan, and about whether the Army could have done more to prevent it..........
Jose Luis Magana/Associated Press
Staff Sgt. David Senft died in Afghanistan; his body was taken home in November.
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