man (and family) from one of the greatest movies of all time
Harry Earles from Freaks with his family-
Daisy, Grace, & Tiny “The Doll Family”
Sarah Palin's next-door neighbor sought out author Joe McGinniss as a tenant, McGinniss's son said.
"No one is stalking anyone," Joe McGinniss, Jr., a novelist whose father is the non-fiction writer, wrote in response to an email from a Palin supporter who confused his email address and his father's. (He shared the email with me.) "A woman was renting her house and sought out the author because the Palins had crossed her (owed her money for renovations she had done at their request and never paid her for). So she knew McGinniss was writing the book and found him and offered him the house."...............
It took talk show host Glenn Beck all of two days to go from announcing that the families of politicians are a no-go zone for pundits -- to mocking 11-year-old Malia Obama on the air.
During a press conference Thursday, President Barack Obama highlighted public concern over the Gulf Coast oil spill disaster by recounting an anecdote in which his 11-year-old daughter Malia peeked her head around the door and asked, "Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?"
It was a story meant to personalize the oil spill, and to highlight that even among his own family members, Obama is seen as being responsible for the response to the oil spill.
But for talk show host Glenn Beck, the comment was an opportunity to mock Malia and suggest the Obamas' education standards aren't up to snuff.........................
"Daddy, why do you hate black people so much?" Beck as Malia asks at one point.
"I'm part white, honey," Gray responds as Obama...............
Moreno, 29, of Charlotte made the call Dec. 29 because, he alleged, a Charlotte police officer was trying to fondle his girlfriend after a traffic stop. The officer ordered Moreno to drop the call and arrested him and his girlfriend for resisting arrest.
Several things then happened. Five other women came forward to allege that the officer, identified as Marcus Jackson, now 26, had tried to molest them, too. Moreno was released after investigators debunked the resisting arrest charge. So was his girlfriend................
pic: Abel Moreno could face deportation after he called 911 to report a crime. He was snagged by a provision that deputizes local authorities to enforce federal immigration law.
Davie Hinshaw / The Charlotte Observer |
A conservative talk radio station in Ohio is offering an unusual contest that some might find offensive, a poster at the website Contexts notes.
"Win a trip to Phoenix, Arizona! Make sure to bring your green card! 610 WTVN would like to send you where Americans are proud and illegals are scared, sunny Phoenix, Arizona," a link at the radio station states.
You'll spend a weekend chasing aliens and spending cash in the desert, just make sure you've got your green card! Win round trip airfare to Phoenix, hotel accomodations, and a few pesos in spending cash -- just register below!
Contest ends Thursday, May 27th at 5 p.m. John Corby will announce a winner on 5.27 at 5:10 p.m.
14 day advance on the airline tix, flying via Southwest/ 2 night hotel stay/ Hotel TBD/ $100 in Visa gift card..........
I've started to write this column several times and put it aside. I worried: Was I being harder on Palin because I disagree with her politically? Was I being harder on Palin than I would be on a man spouting similar pablum? In a world where everyone already has firm opinions about Palin, pro or con, is there a value in pointing out that the empress has no clothes?
Palin's appearance on "Fox News Sunday" pushed me over the edge.
First, there was Palin on Republican Senate nominee Rand Paul, whose candidacy she had championed. Anchor Chris Wallace asked straightforward questions: Was Paul right or wrong in his view that the 1964 Civil Rights Act went too far in banning discrimination in private establishments? What did Palin make of the controversy? He got typically Palinesque answers, rambling and aggrieved:
"I think there is certainly a double standard at play here. When Rand Paul had anticipated that he'd be able to engage in a discussion, he being a libertarian-leaning constitutional conservative, being able to engage in a discussion with a TV character, a media personality, who perhaps had an agenda in asking the question and then interpreting his answer the way that she did, he wanted to talk about, evidently, some hypotheticals as it applies to impacts on the Civil Rights Act, as it impacts our Constitution. So he was given the opportunity finally to clarify, and unequivocally he has stated that he supports the Civil Rights Act.".............
huh sarevil? wtf did you just say anyway?
According to Polynesian legend, the stone monoliths of Easter Island
But the first British archaeological expedition in nearly a century to the archipelago, whose giant artifacts have long baffled academics and explorers, has arrived at a conclusion which threatens to overturn a 50-year-old consensus about the role played by the island's ancient road system.
But the first British archaeological expedition in nearly a century to the archipelago, whose giant artifacts have long baffled academics and explorers, has arrived at a conclusion which threatens to overturn a 50-year-old consensus about the role played by the island's ancient road system.......
Eduardo Caraballo, a U.S. citizen born in the United States, was detained for over three days on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant.
Despite presenting identifying documents and even his birth certificate, Caraballo was held by federal immigration authorities over the weekend and threatened with deportation, according to an NBC Chicago report. He was only released when his congressman, Luis Gutierrez -- a vocal supporter of immigration reform -- intervened on his behalf...........
BP is now fighting the Environmental Protection Agency’s demands to change its use of toxic dispersants, after over 700,000 gallons have been used on the hundred-million-gallon Deepwater Horizon oil blowout. The dispersants have created an invisible toxic cloud of unknown size below the surface, as the federal government lets BP block attempts to monitor the gusher, study the undersea plumes, or learn about the dispersants being used. On Monday, Good Morning America correspondent Sam Champion and Philippe Cousteau Jr., the chief ocean correspondent for Planet Green and grandson of Jacques Cousteau, explored the toxic plumes of dispersed oil floating beneath the waves in the Gulf of Mexico:............
bp and halliburton and transocean and cameron care about their HUMAN workers, they kept the survivors of the rig explosion ISOLATED FOR 40 HOURS AFTER the blow up. yup, it's UNAMERICAN to hold them (BP, HALLIBURTON, TRANSOCEAN, CAMERON) accountable, right rand?
Deepwater Horizon survivor describes horrors of blast and escape from rig
Stephen Davis recounts how he was flung against a wall by explosion and kept at sea on work boat for 40 hours after rescue
Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent
These things Stephen Davis cannot banish from his memory from that night of chaos aboard the Deepwater Horizon: the sensation of being flung into a wall by a powerful explosion, the desperate, muddy scramble on a deck lit only by the reflections from a huge pillar of flame; the look in men's eyes before they jumped 18 metres (60ft) into the water.
"You could taste the fumes, that godawful taste in your mouth," he said. "It was hard to breathe. The oxygen was being sucked out of the living quarters.
"Then all of a sudden – just boom. It was the biggest explosion I ever heard in my life."
Davis was hurled 5 metres into a wall.
"The whole rig was vibrating and shaking," he said. "It's like we walked straight into hell."...................
.................For Davis, the events of that night, when the rig exploded killing 11 of the 126 crew, was only the beginning of his ordeal. He says he and other survivors were to spend the next 40 hours in isolation – barred from phoning their families – while his lawyers believe Transocean, the owners of the rig, readied its legal defences. Seventeen crew members were seriously injured in the incident.
For Barack Obama, whose officials are being held to account for their oversight of offshore drilling in congressional hearings this week, the disaster could be the defining event of his presidency.
For the companies involved in the disaster – BP, the well owner, Transocean, the rig owner, and subcontractors Halliburton and Cameron – that night was only the beginning of what lawyers predict will be one of the longest and most complicated court battles the US has ever seen..........
pic: Stephen Davis survivor of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform explosion. Photograph: guardian.co.uk
Gulf fishing ban extended to area roughly the size of Greece
Walking along a Louisiana beach yesterday, the chief operating officer of British Petroleum was caught on tape ordering subordinates multiple times to "get 'em out of here," apparently referencing media personnel who were swarming the scene prior to a press conference.
The clip has since raised the public's level of ire against the company, at a time when all BP's recent press coverage seems to paint a picture darker than oil.
At first, CEO Tony Hayward appeared to motion toward a cameraman who was standing next to a large puddle of toxic sludge. Pointing at the man, he said sternly: "Hey! Get outta there. Get outta there!"
The cameraman moved................
The former Alaska governor posted on her Facebook page Tuesday a shot of the back of a blue-shirted, chino-clad man who she says is famed author Joe McGinniss.
"Yes, that Joe McGinniss," Palin writes. "Here he is -- about 15 feet away on the neighbor's rented deck overlooking my children's play area and my kitchen window. Maybe we'll welcome him with a homemade blueberry pie tomorrow so he'll know how friendly Alaskans are."
McGinnis is perhaps best known for his youthful book on the Nixon campaign, "The Selling of the President 1968," which has become a classic of political journalism. But he has also written a book on the oil pipeline in Alaska, and his "Fatal Vision" from 1984, on the Jeffrey MacDonald murder trial, became a popular cause celebre............
Yesterday on Fox News Sunday, the shrill voice of Drill Baby Drill tried to accuse President Obama of being too "doggone" cozy with the oil industry, citing BP's contributions to the Obama campaign.
Well, okay. Let's look at campaign contributions from the entire oil industry, then.
During the 2008 election cycle, 77% of the industry's $35.6 million in contributions went to Republicans, and in the 2008 presidential contest, Republican candidate Sen. John McCain received more than twice as much money from the oil and gas industries as Obama: McCain collected $2.4 million; Obama, $898,000.
.............Christina Parsons was born in Brazile and has taught the English Language Learners class in Tucson for more than 20 years, but she told CNN that she has been subjected to an audit based on her ability to pronounce English words.
"They just walked in in the middle of class," she told CNN's Thelma Gutierrez.
State School Superintendent Tom Horne denies the crackdown is based on teachers' accents. "We are not going after any accents including Spanish accents. It has to be faulty English. If students are being taught English and they're going to refer to a comma as a 'coma' people are going to misunderstand them," said Horne...............
The media was out to destroy Sarah Palin and now they are out to destroy Rand Paul, if you believe the former Republican vice presidential candidate.
In an interview with National Public Radio, Paul criticized some aspects of the 1964 Civil Right Act. Paul indicated that businesses should be free to be able to discriminate against minorities. In his view, businesses that don't treat all patrons equally will suffer in the marketplace, but the federal government should have no role in enforcing fairness.
Based on Paul's comments on NPR, he faced tough questioning later that evening by Rachel Maddow. And Palin believes that Maddow was out of bounds.
"Rand Paul had anticipated that he would be able to engage in a discussion, he being a Libertarian-leaning Constitutional conservative, being able to engage in the discussion with a TV character, a media personality who perhaps had an agenda in asking the question and then interpreting his answer in the way that she did," Palin said of Maddow Sunday.
At that, Fox News' Chris Wallace prompted Palin to blame the media for the missteps she suffered after becoming the Republican vice presidential candidate. "Do you see some similarities to what politicians and the press did to you in the fall of 2008?" asked Wallace...............
gotcha!!! (watch and learn sarevil, watch and learn. it's NOT just YOU that says stupid things. one has to pay the piper when one dances)