lemmy this one's FOR YOU (ya evil bas-taad)
13 years ago
Strawberry fields skirt ban
Women in skirts have been banned from pick-your-own strawberry fields in Austria by farmers after complaints that their nether regions were coming into contact with the fruit as they squatted down. Farmer Reinhard Pirbauer said: “When the women in skirts squat down they often hover over the plants which then touch them under the skirt. It is “unhygienic”, nobody wants their strawberries handled in this way. “We have had complaints that fruit was being contaminated. No-one wants to pick strawberries that a woman has been sitting on. Some female underwear is almost non existent – if they wear any at all. “People had stopped coming because of this, but our regular customers have returned since introducing the new rules.” Disgusted Piribauer – who introduced the skirt ban on his ten pick-your-own strawberry fields just south of the Austrian capital Vienna – added that even women with longer skirts were affected by the ban because they would often hike the skirts up in order to squat down and also ended up contaminating his fruit. One women’s rights group has branded the decision ridiculous but lawyers said he and other farmers who had copied the ban could not be prosecuted because they had not specifically banned women — only people wearing skirts and that women in trousers were welcome...............
“House Republicans are listening to Americans and have asked to use Skype to communicate, but Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats continue to block its use.” [CBS],,,,,,,,,,,,
To this end, Home Depot is basically encouraging the attendance of children at events which openly expose them to transvestites, cross-dressers, and homosexual activists...Gay pride events have a long track record for offensive public displays of homosexual conduct. Obviously, Home Depot is OK with the idea of exposing children to an unhealthy and risky environment. So much so, it is willing to also celebrate it by participating in its promotion. [AFA Action Alert]We already covered most of the ridiculous aspects of this action alert in the last post, but there is one more thing that strikes me about this protest. Why Home Depot? Or, why just Home Depot? There are a lot of big companies that sponsor gay pride events each year. Shouldn't the AFA target them all, or at least go for the worst offenders? In fact, we did a little research, and it looks like Southern Maine Pride and Boston Pride were the only pride events that Home Depot sponsored this year, while other companies have much higher numbers..................
The Gods have their own rules.
-Ovid, Metamorphoses
The Taliban is reportedly training monkeys to shoot American soldiers.If President Barack Obama withdraws from the war in Afghanistan, he would be the first commander-in-chief in American history to surrender to an army of monkeys; and we’re not talking about fighting the ‘Planet of the Apes.’ The Taliban in Afghanistan has just gotten into the ‘monkey business’ of training primates to attack U.S. soldiers, according to [an unnamed] British-based media agency............
Dallas Blog reported: