Saturday, August 29, 2009
s&m cats?
more on the erik prince saga
and as an aside, isn't it
Blackwater Founder Accused in Court of Intent to Kill
The founder of Blackwater USA deliberately caused the deaths of innocent civilians in a series of shootings in Iraq, attorneys for Iraqis suing the security contractor told a federal judge Friday.
The attorneys singled out Erik Prince, a former Navy SEAL who is the company's owner, for blame in the deaths of more than 20 Iraqis between 2005 and 2007. Six former Blackwater guards were criminally charged in 14 of the shootings, and family members and victims' estates sued Prince, Blackwater (now called Xe Services LLC) and a group of related companies.
"The person responsible for these deaths is Mr. Prince,'' Susan L. Burke, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said in U.S. District Court in Alexandria. "He had the intent, he provided the weapons, he provided the instructions, and they were done by his agents and they were war crimes.''......
Friday, August 28, 2009
man this is THE best thing i've read ALL week
at boing boing
points us to Atheists who'll take in your pets after the Rapture
Posted by Cory Doctorow
it's a real website, i'm just sort o' thinkin' they're having a bit o' fun wit us (those wild and wacky atheists)
Eternal Earth-Bound Pets, USA
nope, he sees NO reason to apologize
Idaho GOP Gov. hopeful jokes about buying ‘tags’ to hunt Obama
By Associated Presshe was caught because he was passing out religious lit
he and his wife are beasts and as i just tweeted, i'm sorry i don't believe in hell. beasts like this should burn in it forever
'ALLEGEDLY' phillip and nancy garrido kidnapped (i have to say allegedly because they've not been convicted yet) an 11 year old girl. they kept her stowed away in a tent city in their back yard. he impregnated her at least twice (she has two children, one aged 15 one aged 11. that made her 14 when she gave birth to her oldest). what sort of people are on this planet? who is capable of doing this to a child? to children? oh phillip garrido IS A CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER who was on parole when he kidnapped the 11 year old. she is named in the article below, but i prefer not to name her.
she is now a 29 year old woman with two children (that we're aware of). she is back with her real family (can you imagine how they feel right now? their baby girl is back).
i wish them all the love and all the hope and all the strength possible.
Kidnapped at 11, Woman Emerges After 18 Years
ANTIOCH, Calif. — A woman who was kidnapped as an 11-year-old in 1991 was reunited with her family on Thursday after the police here arrested two suspects in the case and discovered a hidden compound where she had apparently been kept for nearly two decades.
The woman, Jaycee Dugard, was dragged into a car on her way to a bus stop 18 years ago as her stepfather watched helplessly from the family home in South Lake Tahoe, Calif. The police could find no trace of the car, or Ms. Dugard, a blond, blue-eyed girl last seen wearing a pink windbreaker and stretch pants.
On Wednesday, the police arrested Phillip Garrido and his wife, Nancy, and charged them with Ms. Dugard’s abduction. ......come on NO ONE is safe
oh and i just had my gmail account hacked as well. so if you see an email from me beginning "dear" DON'T OPEN IT. DELETE IT. if you KNEW me you'd know i'd never use "DEAR". the email was about an iphone or some such nonsense. i've followed the instructions on the google site about what to do when that happens and i'm hoping it's the end of that.
ID-Theft Ring Ensnares Even the Fed Chairman
Washington Post Staff Writers
As Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke struggled to hold the economy together last August, he was distracted by a more personal financial problem: He and his wife were victims of identity theft.
Bernanke's brush with financial crime began when a thief stole Anna Bernanke's purse from the back of her chair at a Capitol Hill Starbucks on Aug. 7, 2008, according to court documents and a source close to the Fed chief. Inside were her leather wallet, four credit cards, $5 in cash and her checkbook, a D.C. police report said.
A week later, a $900 check from the couple's Wachovia Bank account was deposited at a Bank of America in Hyattsville....
Thursday, August 27, 2009
here's the deal
someone who was a slave owner/slave trader wrote that song. oh he wrote it AFTER he
i believe in miracles. i believe (some) people CAN and DO change. i believe people sometimes get grace. i believe there are people who genuinely care so much it hurts them.
i think teddy kennedy was someone who was lost but became found. i think he was blind but eventually was able to see
(he doesn't start singing until 5:26)
reverend al:
as a rule of thumb i don't believe in EX gays
‘Ex-gays’ a protected minority group, DC court rules
By Daniel TencerPeople who were once homosexual but changed their sexual orientation are a protected minority under human rights laws, a District of Columbia judge ruled earlier this summer.
The ruling, which was handed down in June but only brought to light when Washington City Paper reported on it Tuesday, sided against a support group for former homosexuals, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays, in their lawsuit against the National Education Association. But, in siding against the group, the judge stated nonetheless that homosexuals who have changed their sexual orientation to straight are a protected minority under DC’s human rights laws.
The move is certain to cause mixed feelings in the gay-rights community, which is generally happy to see human rights involving sexual orientation expanded, but many of whose members reject the notion of homosexuality as something that can be voluntary changed.......
i heard this on the bbc (on npr)
i don't know about no direction home though. do you?
The Voice of a Peregrination
On GPS, Dylan Might Guide Lost Drivers Home
Bob Dylan: folk-rock legend, poet-spokesman of his generation . . . and GPS voice?
Maybe. The enigmatic troubadour said on his satellite radio program that he is negotiating with two car manufacturers to be the voice of their in-car navigation systems. Insert your own Dylan-lyric pun here about "no direction home" or "there must be some way out of here" or "how many roads . . . .".......
Dylan could be new sat-nav voice
Music legend Bob Dylan is "talking to a couple of car companies" about becoming the voice of their GPS system.
The singer-songwriter discussed the possibility on his BBC Radio 6 Music Sunday show which was on the theme of street maps.
Renowned for his raspy, nasally tones, the 68-year-old American gave his listeners a taster of what his directions might sound like.
"Left at the next street. No, right. You know what? Just go straight."
He continued: "I probably shouldn't do it because whichever way I go, I always end up at one place - on Lonely Avenue. Luckily I'm not totally alone. Ray Charles beat me there."
The normally reclusive Dylan, whose hits include Blowin' in the Wind and Like a Rolling Stone, admitted he does not normally like telling people what he is doing.........
bye teddy

Bill Greene/The Boston Globe
Mr. Kennedy at Fenway Park in Boston before delivering the ceremonial first pitch on opening day for the Red Sox this April, driven by the former Red Sox great Jim Rice.
comprehensive coverage really from the boston globe
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
man, i hadn't thought of this in a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG time
a new low for that 'human' called joe francis
from kevin underhill at lowering the bar
(by the way, i'm subscribing to his blog feed simply because i loved the bio he wrote for himself)
defendant gone wild
"He has put a lot of this foolish behavior behind him," said Joe Francis's lawyer in 2007, but guess what? He had plenty left. Back then, Mr. Francis, who some of you may know as the purveyor of "Girls Gone Wild" videos, was about to do a month in jail on contempt charges for yelling obscenities during a mediation. His lawyer was suggesting that Francis had turned over a new leaf, but that has now been called into question.............
Francis showed up late, failed to produce documents, and then, once the questioning started, seemed to experience a severe decline in brain function, operating well below even the Francis baseline. The cynical magistrate suspected Francis of faking, of course, charging that he was simply "pretend[ing] not to know the meaning of common words to avoid [giving] a straight answer." True, these were words that Francis certainly should know the meaning of by now, like "felony" and "jail":
Q. Have you ever been convicted of a felony?A. I don't understand what that means.
Q. You don't understand what being a convicted felon is?
A. No. Can you explain it to me?
Q. Did you serve any time in jail?
A. What do you mean "serve"?
Q. Do you know what a prisoner is?
A. No....................
found via cory at boing boing
gonna post a pic of duncan and connor again

well because i just saw this:
(and the pics of connor and duncan do NOT do them justice. you have to see them in person. we call them the couches with legs)
There Be Giants: The Biggest Dogs in The World
............The English Mastiff, in terms of mass is the big daddy of all dogs and its dimensions particularly that of the male are something to be believed. Every inch of this dog gives off strength and power - if the planet Krypton had a dog then this would probably be it. The world record holding breed for weight, this dog can weigh up to two hundred and fifty pounds for a male and around fifty pounds less than a female..............
i think perhaps we can all start by reading mr skinner's book
(i'm buying it later today for my kindle)
i know it's happening globally. hell i know it's happening HERE. yes, right HERE in the good old us of a
i absolutely firmly believe when we start taking care of one another, our paths will ALL change. we'll be on firmer ground. we'll have better light.
There Are More Slaves Today Than at Any Time in Human History
By Terrence McNally, AlterNet.
The world suffers global recession, enormous inequity, hunger, deforestation, pollution, climate change, nuclear weapons, terrorism, etc. To those who say we’re not really making progress, many might point to the fact that at least we’ve eliminated slavery.
But sadly that is not the truth.
One hundred forty-three years after passage of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and 60 years after Article 4 of the U.N.'s Universal Declaration of Human Rights banned slavery and the slave trade worldwide, there are more slaves than at any time in human history -- 27 million.
Today’s slavery focuses on big profits and cheap lives. It is not about owning people like before, but about using them as completely disposable tools for making money.
During the four years that Benjamin Skinner researched modern-day slavery, he posed as a buyer at illegal brothels on several continents, interviewed convicted human traffickers in a Romanian prison and endured giardia, malaria, dengue and a bad motorcycle accident.
But Skinner is most haunted by his experience in a brothel in Bucharest, Romania, where he was offered a young woman with Down syndrome in exchange for a used car..............
and someone please point out who originally thought a national day of service was a cool thing....PLEASE (because i guess helping others is socialistic or communistic or fascist. it's sure NOT CHRISTIAN is it?)
Right-wingers cry socialism over 9/11 anniversary plan backed by many in GOP
By Daniel TencerRight-wing commentators are claiming that the White House is planning to “erase the meaning” of the 9/11 attacks and turn the anniversary into “a day of leftist celebration and statist idolatry” — despite the fact that the plan for a National Day of Service on 9/11 had broad bipartisan support.
An article by Matthew Vadum, published Monday in the American Spectator, states that the president’s plan for a National Day of Service, to be celebrated on September 11, would eliminate 9/11 as a political tool for Republicans.
“The plan is to turn a ‘day of fear’ that helps Republicans into a day of activism called the National Day of Service that helps the left,” writes Vadum. “In other words, nihilistic liberals are planning to drain 9/11 of all meaning.”
As some commentators have pointed out, Vadum’s article overlooks the fact that the idea to link the 9/11 anniversary to volunteerism was originally promoted by President George W. Bush, and the bill to make it law, passed this spring, had bipartisan support........
of course i'm loving this editorial in the nyt
The Torture Papers
The Obama administration has taken important steps toward repairing the grievous harm that President George W. Bush did to this nation with his lawless and morally repugnant detention policies. President Obama is committed to closing the Guantánamo Bay camp and creating legitimate courts to try detainees. He has rescinded the executive orders and the legal rulings that Mr. Bush used to excuse the abuse of prisoners. The Defense Department has taken the important step of reversing policy and notifying the International Committee of the Red Cross of the identities of militants who were being held in secret at camps in Iraq and Afghanistan. And Attorney General Eric Holder has appointed a prosecutor to investigate the interrogation of prisoners of the Central Intelligence Agency, whose inhuman treatment was detailed in a long-secret report written by the agency’s inspector general in 2004 and released on Monday..........
steven pearlstein at wapo turns the tables
i am STILL smiling. really, this IS GREAT. please read it!
(what i really want to know is; are any of the town hall screamers going to read this? are they going to see we can do to them what they do to us BUT in a reasonable, quiet and intelligent manner? hmmmmm. well i'm not really sure the town hall scenesters DO read. i think they get ALL, every bit of their info from o'wrongly, flush, glenn and the like. i'm not sure THEY do any reading either)
The GOP's Top Chef Starves a Beast and Poisons a Debate
By Steven Pearlstein
Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee, this week revealed a secret Republican plan that would end up eliminating all federal farm subsidies; closing down Yellowstone and Yosemite national parks; selling off the interstate highway system; and canceling Head Start, subsidized school lunches and the entire college loan program. The plan came to light as a result of an op-ed piece this week in The Washington Post in which the party chairman committed the GOP to spending an ever-increasing share of the federal budget, and the national income, on Medicare. When combined with other Republican promises -- to balance the budget, protect defense spending and never, ever raise anyone's taxes -- the inescapable inference is that the government would run out of money for every other domestic program sometime around 2035...........
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
shout out to those that went before, LIKE YOU RUSTY!

Woman who posed as man to become judo champ finally gets gold - 50 years after being stripped of it
BY Jeff Wilkins and Christina Boyle
It took 50 years, but she finally got gold.
A Brooklyn judo champ stripped of her first place medal when judges realized she was a woman competing in a contest against men secured her place in the history books Friday.
It was a sweet moment for Rena (Rusty) Kanokogi, who became a pioneer for her sport - and a champion for equal rights - after her 1959 victory turned sour because she was the wrong gender.
"[The medal] should have never been taken away from me," the 74-year-old said.
"But we're righting a wrong, that's what counts."
Kanokogi is now frail, battling cancer, and walks with a cane. But she vividly recalls the moment she took on her opponent in the New York State YMCA judo championships..........
this is interesting. i knew about MOST of them

take for example cashews. i knew they were related to poison ivy. i knew you really can't eat 'raw' ones (the raw ones aren't really raw is what i'm saying). anyway, these are all very interesting and most we eat if not daily, then weekly.
Top 10 Toxic Foods We Love To Eat
7. Cashews
Though really seeds and not nuts, cashews grow inside of a shell-like structure that grows on a fruit. When buying “raw cashews” in the store, take note that these nuts have actually been steamed and are not entirely raw. This is because raw cashews contain urushiol, which is the same chemical that you’d find in poison ivy. It can cause the body to have a very similar reaction to one experienced from poison oak or ivy. If a high level of urushiol is ingested, it can be deadly. Cashew poisoning is rare, but those who handle them in order to manufacture them to get the shell off sometimes experience the side-effects.
Interesting fact: Cashews come from a fruit, which in South American countries, is eaten, and the seeds (cashews) are then thrown away.
how would you feel?
13 IS TOO YOUNG TO SAIL AROUND THE WORLD ALONE. i personally don't think she's get very far. one has to wonder what sort of parent thinks this is acceptable?
i'm personally thinking it would be a death sentence
Dutch bid to thwart young sailor
Social workers in the Netherlands have taken legal action to try to stop a 13-year-old girl from sailing around the world on her own.
They want Laura Dekker to be made a ward of court, so that her parents, who support her plans, temporarily lose the right to make decisions about her.
Laura's father, Dick Dekker, has had a request for her to miss two years of school turned down.
Laura had a yacht by the age of six and began sailing solo when she was 10.
"Since I was 10 years old, I've known that I would like to sail around the world," she told Dutch television.........
did panetta behave badly?
yeah, like a baby. screaming because bits of the truth were finally OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZZZZZZZZZZING out
you know what? WE, that's right WE ALL pay your salary. WE (well at the very least ME) want to know the truth or as much of the truth as you can safely tell us. safely as in the safety of our country. NOT safety for YOU getting YOUR ASS KICKED because of lies, untruths, torture and deaths. THIS IS AMERICA WE DO NOT TORTURE
Obama White House v. CIA; Panetta Threatened to Quit
Tensions Lead to CIA Director's "Screaming Match" at the White House
By MATTHEW COLE, RICHARD ESPOSITO and BRIAN ROSSA "profanity-laced screaming match" at the White House involving CIA Director Leon Panetta, and the expected release today of another damning internal investigation, has administration officials worrying about the direction of its newly-appoint intelligence team, current and former senior intelligence officials tell ABC
Amid reports that Panetta had threatened to quit just seven months after taking over at the spy agency, other insiders tell that senior White House staff members are already discussing a possible shake-up of top national security officials.
"You can expect a larger than normal turnover in the next year," a senior adviser to Obama on intelligence matters told
Since 9/11, the CIA has had five directors or acting directors.
A White House spokesperson, Denis McDonough, said reports that Panetta had threatened to quit and that the White House was seeking a replacement were "inaccurate.".....
i keep worrying we're too late already
when are we ALL going to become frightened and DO something about how we treat our earth?
New Clues in the Mass Death of Bees
n late 2006, something strange began to happen to America's honeybees. Colonies that were once thriving suddenly went still, almost overnight. The worker bees that make hives run simply disappeared, their bodies never to be found. Over the past couple of years, nearly one-third of all honeybee colonies have collapsed this way, which led to a straightforward name for the phenomenon: colony collapse disorder (CCD).
This might seem like little more than a tantalizing mystery for entomologists, except for one fact: honeybees provide $15 billion worth of value to U.S. farmers, pollinating crops that range from apples to avocados to almonds. Any number of possible causes for CCD have been put forward, from bee viruses to parasites to environmental triggers like pesticides or even cell-phone transmissions. Despite the Department of Agriculture's allotment of $20 million a year for the next five years to study CCD, it's still a mystery - and the bees keep dying. (Read "Why We Should Care About Dying Bees.")..........
Monday, August 24, 2009
this isn't PAY to the employees we're talking about
so there are suffering veterans who are getting no benefits (because of a horrid backlog) BUT the va employees (who may very well be BEYOND EXCELLENT EMPLOYEES or NOT) are getting BONUS MONEY
let them eat cake again and again and again and again
(our officers here and in europe did NOT receive bonus amounts this year. our company is doing fairly well and wasn't one that had to be bailed out. none of us, the 'regular' employees got a raise this year either. that's fine by me IF it meant keeping my job and my friends keeping their jobs)
VA workers given millions in bonuses as vets await checks
By Laurie Ure
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- While hundreds of thousands of disability claims lay backlogged at the Department of Veterans Affairs, thousands of technology employees at the department received $24 million in bonuses, a new report says.
A report issued by the VA's Office of Inspector General said the department issued millions of dollars in awards over a two-year period in 2007 and 2008.
"The frequent and large dollar amount awards given to employees were unusual and often absurd," the report stated.
The reports also called the payments "not fiscally responsible."
Four high-level employees received about $60,000, $73,000, $58,000, and $59,000, respectively, according to the report, without sufficient justification. Another employee received a $4,500 performance award within the first 90 days of her employment from a manager who said that she did not even remember her...................
you're not going to believe this story
so once again, the person who was assaulted is ONCE AGAIN assaulted. the article names the victim WITH his permission. he wanted it to be published. so the world would know what evil is possible
will someone please talk to david copeland-jackson's MOTHER and present reality to her? i'm just sayin'......................
Man Lives 2nd Nightmare as His Molester Fakes Lawsuit
D.C. Judge Is Duped in Defamation Conspiracy Against Ohio Victim
Washington Post Staff Writer
The judgment stood for one day before unraveling. It was a plot so off the wall, so bizarre, that U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon said it was "like something out of a novel."
After serving a prison term for molesting an eighth-grader in Ohio, David Copeland-Jackson moved to the District to live with his mother. He e-mailed a buddy and together, federal authorities said, they came up with a plan that would fool a respected judge into issuing a $3 million defamation order against Copeland-Jackson's victim.
Copeland-Jackson relied on forged documents, the victim's unwitting assistance and the help of a 71-year-old paralegal who had become interested in his case. He even hired a handwriting expert and impersonated a private detective, authorities said.
Last month, a federal grand jury indicted Copeland-Jackson on charges of conspiring to commit perjury and obstruct justice. Copeland-Jackson, 36, of Southeast Washington, has pleaded not guilty.........
Sunday, August 23, 2009
gaddafi, khaddafi, kadafi, gadafi, qaddafi, el-qaddafi
it burns me. it burns me so much. the entire free world is now friends with a MURDERING TERRORIST. he financed mass murder and he did it MORE than once.
we kiss his ass now? there can't be that much oil in libya can there be?
Report: Gordon Brown discussed Lockerbie bomber release with Gaddafi
by Chris in Paris
Absolutely disgraceful. The story about oil drilling rights sounds more and more likely by the day regardless of what the never- believable Tony Blair has to say. The entire process makes the legal system look like a joke, but after Iraq, many are already used to that situation.
Downing Street released the text of a cordial letter sent to the Libyan leader on the day that Abdulbaset al-Megrahi was released, asking that the event be kept low key because a "high-profile" ceremony would distress his victims and their families.But critically the letter also refers to a meeting between the two leaders six weeks earlier at the G8 summit in Italy, adding that "when we met [there] I stressed that, should the Scottish executive decide that Megrahi can return to Libya, this should be a purely private family occasion" rather than a public celebration................
i happened across this article

and i LOVE the song, so i'll post the article (tie in YA KNOW)
mr gonzalez gives us a great audio slide show with the article as well. please be sure to check that out as well
The Faces in the South Bronx Rubble
By the rivers of Babylon
There we sat down and wept
When we remembered Zion.
Psalm 137
THE afternoon sun dipped low over the empty lots around Charlotte Street. There in the long shadows stood three boys against a backdrop of smashed bricks, crumpled beer cans and a busted bike wheel. Behind them, past the tall weeds of this urban prairie, loomed decrepit apartment buildings.
Yet the trio were grinning, their faces friendly, even goofy. Look closer at the picture and you can see why they smile: A scrawny mutt’s snout peeks out from their huddle.............pic:
(boney m)
and here's my FAVORITE version of the same: (the melodians)
one more day till monday
blackwater used as prisoner 'escorts'
lied about it. the REAL criminal acts and the town hall protesters are screaming about whatever the fuck it is their screaming out - yet remaining silent on TORTURE. the REAL nazis tortured. the REAL nazisnazis claimed it was in their country's best interest. where were and are the town hall protesters? WHERE?
CIA report to reveal agency conducted mock executions
By Muriel Kane
The long-delayed release of a CIA inspector general’s report has been scooped by Newsweek, which obtained details from one source who has read a draft of the report and another who was briefed on its contents.
A version of the report with newly declassified details is expected to be released on Monday.
According to Newsweek’s sources, the report will reveal that the CIA interrogators of suspected USS Cole bomber Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri brandished a gun in front of him in an attempt to make him believe he was going to be shot — thus violating a federal law against threatening a detainee with “imminent death” — and also threatened him with a power drill.
In other cases, mock executions were staged, including one case in which a gun was fired in an adjoining room to make a suspect believe another prisoner had been shot........
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these are the americans we WANT to be?
when did we change and not only start TURNING INTO TERRORISTS but THINKING IT'S OK TO BE A TERRORIST*???
GOP congressman supports ‘proud right-wing terrorist’
By Daniel Tencer
House Rep from northern California says public health option a ‘threat to democracy’
US House Representative Wally Herger, of California’s 2nd congressional district, expressed “enthusiastic approval” of a town-hall attendee who described himself as a “proud right-wing terrorist,” newspapers in northern California report.
According to the Redding Record Searchlight, an incident broke out at a town hall at Simpson University in Redding on Tuesday when Herger signaled encouragement to a 67-year-old town hall attendee, Bert Stead, who called himself a “proud right-wing terrorist.”
“Amen, God bless you,” Herger reportedly replied to the comment. “There is a great American.”
That was enough for 50-year-old Marisa Hewitt, who called the largely anti-health reform crowd “a bunch of racist haters” and started “using the f-bomb” after the controversial comments.
That did not sit well with crowd. One individual grabbed Hewitt by the arm and ejected her from the hall with the words “you’re outta here.”.............
*in all fairness, sometimes i refer to myself as an AESTHETIC terrorist. then again, i use the f word like it's going out of stylethis is what's happening in bosnia
even note school children are separated by ethnicity so each group can learn what is 'ethnically appropriate' for their groups. hell shouldn't ALL the kids learn THE SAME THING? THE TRUTH for example?
there is NO need for the world to be like this. i'm not better than you, i'm just different that you AND THAT'S OK
Old Troubles Threaten Again in Bosnia
14 Years After War, Leaders Suggest U.S. Should Step In to Rewrite Treaty
Washington Post Foreign Service
SARAJEVO, Bosnia -- Fourteen years after the United States and NATO intervened to stop war and ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, the old divisions and hatreds are again gripping this Balkan country.
In June, the international envoy who oversees the rebuilding of Bosnia invoked emergency powers that he said were necessary to hold the country together. Although U.S. and European officials have been trying to get Bosnia to stand on its own feet for years, many Bosnian leaders say the only thing that can permanently fix their gridlocked government is for Washington to intervene -- again -- and rewrite the treaty that ended the war in 1995.
The economy is in tatters, with unemployment exceeding 40 percent. Serbs are talking openly of secession. Croats are leaving the country in droves......