(i've NEVER had a starbucks, never been IN a starbucks and i plan on never going in one in the future). joni has always been a favorite of mine. she's in my top ten. well, top five, i like her that much. she never got her due. i don't think people understand what she is capable of. she WAS a 'folk singer'. now she is so very much more.
Singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell is to follow in the footsteps of Sir Paul McCartney by releasing her next album through the coffee chain Starbucks.
Shine, Mitchell's first collection of new material since 1998, will be released on 25 September.
McCartney's album, Memory Almost Full, was released last month by Hear Music, the label set up by Starbucks and the Concord Music Group.
It was played relentlessly in the chain's stores, selling 447,000 copies.
blue............songs are like tattoos. you know i've been to sea before. crown and anchor me or let me sail awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
cactus tree........There's a man who's been out sailing In a decade full of dreams And he takes her to a schooner And he treats her like a queen Bearing beads from California With their amber stones and green He has called her from the harbor He has kissed her with his freedom He has heard her off to starboard In the breaking and the breathing Of the water weeds While she was busy being free ......
that song about the midway.......I met you on a midway at a fair last year And you stood out like a ruby in a black man's ear You were playing on the horses, you were playing on the guitar strings You were playing like a devil wearing wings, wearing wings You looked so grand wearing wings Do you tape them to your shoulders just to sing .......
raised on robbery (which of course contains one of my all time favorite lines).......He was sitting in the lounge of the Empire Hotel He was drinking for diversion He was thinking for himself A little money riding on the Maple Leafs Along comes a lady in lacy sleeves She says let me sit down You know, drinkin' alone's a shame It's a shame it's a crying shame Look at those jokers Glued to that damn hockey game Hey honey-you've got lots of cash Bring us round a bottle And we'll have some laughs Gin's what I'm drinking I was raised on robbery I'm a pretty good cook I'm sitting on my groceries Come up to my kitchen I'll show you my best recipe ...........
coyote...........Coyote's in the coffee shop He's staring a hole in his scrambled eggs He picks up my scent on his fingers While he's watching the waitresses' legs He's too far from the Bay of Fundy From appaloosas and eagles and tides And the air conditioned cubicles And the carbon ribbon rides Are spelling it out so clear Either he's going to have to stand and fight Or take off out of here I tried to run away myself To run away and wrestle with my ego And with this flameYou put here in this Eskimo In this hitcher In this prisoner Of the fine white lines...........
talk to me........There was a moon and a street lamp I didn't know I drank such a lot Till I pissed a tequila anaconda The full length of the parking lot! Oh I talk too loose Again I talk too open and free I pay a high price for my open talking Like you do for your silent mystery.
the jungle line......Rousseau walks on trumpet paths Safaris to the heart of all that jazz Through I-bars and girders, through wires and pipes The mathematic circuits of the modern nights Through huts through Harlem through jails and gospel pews Through the class on Park and the trash on Vine Through Europe and the deep deep heart of Dixie blueThrough savage progress cuts the jungle line.....
shadows and light.....Every picture has its shadows And it has some source of light Blindness blindness and sight The perils of benefactors The blessings of parasites Blindness blindness and sight Threatened by all things Devil of cruelty Drawn to all things Devil of delight Mythical devil of the ever-present laws Governing blindness blindness and sight.....
By Andrew Walker
Having vowed never to record again, one of pop's most lauded singer-songwriters, Joni Mitchell, is returning with a new album this year. A tribute album is also due for release and Radio 2 was recently granted a rare interview. Is this the resurfacing of just another rock relic or that rare event: a comeback worth waiting for?
Not one to shy away from controversy, our Joni. "To enjoy my music, you need depth and emotionality," she recently told one interviewer. "Those two traits are bred out of the white, straight males who control the press."
That's not to say she has much time for feminists either. In the same interview she called them "amazons", adding that the women's movement "created an aggressive-type female with a sense of entitlement that's a bit of a monster". .....
(all lyrics by joni. portrait by joni as well. cover photo from hejira. i love the photo on the BACK even more though. i love her very much indeed......)