i knew this dude was worse though. i read some of the interviews he did when he was appointed to the position. i was VERY frightened and i still am.
mmmmm 300,000 letters of complaint between 2002 and 2005. i wonder if these are public record? i wonder if indeed the letters are ALL the same. i wonder if they are mass produced. i wonder when the parents television counsel is going to take their thumbs out of their asses and start acting like responsible united states citizens WITH FULL FUCKING CONTROL OF THEIR OWN TELEVISIONS AND RADIOS. you have ON and OFF buttons, you have the CAPABILITY TO CHANGE CHANNELS. YOU have control over YOUR OWN household. IF YOU DON'T WANT SOMEONE IN YOUR FAMILY TO HEAR A 'NASTY' WORD UTTERED IN A DOCUMENTARY MADE BY MARTIN SCORSESE ON PBS DON'T HAVE IT ON TO BEGIN WITH. (by the way, i edited my own comments quite a bit. i had a few choice 'nasty' words too many thrown into the mix)
FCC slaps CBS with $3.5 million record fine
Spate of sanctions signals tough stance
By David Zurawik Sun television critic March 16, 2006
After more than a year of inactivity, the Federal Communications Commission leapt into action yesterday, levying dozens of sanctions for indecency against television broadcasters - including a record $3.5 million fine against CBS for airing an episode of the hit drama Without a Trace that included what the commission labeled a "teen sex orgy."
The rulings, which included fines against NBC, Fox and WB's Washington affiliate, define new and tougher standards on indecency and appear to expand by one the list of words banned from the air.
They also represent the first actions taken by the FCC chairman, Kevin J. Martin, a former White House economic adviser.
"The number of complaints received by the commission has risen year after year," Martin said in a statement. "I share the concerns of the public - and of parents, in particular." Between the years of 2002 and 2005, the agency received 300,000 complaints about television shows. Anyone may file a complaint............Party scene The network also said it would appeal the fine against Without a Trace, a prime-time drama about an FBI unit that tracks missing persons.
The episode, broadcast on Dec. 31, 2004, featured a party scene that included "at least three shots depicting intercourse, two between couples and one 'group sex' shot and sounds of people moaning," according to the FCC.
The program in question "aired in the last hour of prime time and carried a 'TV 14' V-Chip parental guideline," stated CBS. It also "featured an important and socially relevant story line warning parents to exercise greater supervision of their teenage children. The program was not unduly graphic or explicit."
While the fines levied against CBS were the largest, the commission also ruled that the Fox network violated decency standards in its broadcast of the 2003 Billboard Music Awards because of language used by Nicole Richie, who appeared as a presenter. ...............Repeated profanity In addition, KCSM-TV, a PBS affiliate in San Mateo, Calif., was fined $15,000 for the graphic language in a documentary by noted filmmaker Martin Scorsese. Titled The Blues: Godfathers and Sons, the film depicted the history of blues music and contained an interview with Marshall Chess, an independent record label owner, who repeatedly used profanity.
Washington's WBDC was fined $27,500 for airing on Feb. 8, 2004, an episode of The Surreal Life 2 titled "Pool Party" that included pixel-ated views of frontal nudity. Although the episode was carried by all the WB affiliates, only WBDC was fined because it was the station against which a complaint was lodged.
Since becoming a member of the FCC in 2001, Martin has been calling for tougher standards. Yesterday's actions were the first of his tenure as chairman and the first taken by the commission since December 2004. Martin replaced Michael Powell, who stepped down last year. .............