and the scooter you rode in on. fuck you for telling women they can't be trusted to choose their own clothing. fuck you for saying women deserved to be raped (well you said women shouldn't be surprised if they're raped). just in general fuck you
Russian Orthodox Church calls for dress code, says miniskirts cause 'madness'
In a sign of the growing political ambitions of the Russian Orthodox Church, a top official wants a national dress code for men and women. It would forbid men from wearing T-shirts or track suits in public. Islamic groups have come out in support of the idea. Moscow
A top official of the increasingly powerful Russian Orthodox Church has triggered a storm of outrage by calling for a "national dress code" that would force women to dress modestly in public and require businesses to throw out "indecently" clad customers.
Women, said Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, can't be trusted to clothe themselves properly.
"It is wrong to think that women should decide themselves what they can wear in public places or at work," he said Tuesday. "If a woman dresses like a prostitute, her colleagues must have the right to tell her that."........
A church call for a national dress code has provoked a furious response after a senior cleric claimed wearing a miniskirt could provoke a rapist. But some people are supporting the proposal.
In an argument which Western feminists thought had been resolved decades ago, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, head of the Orthodox Church’s Synodal Department for Church and Society, suggested that a drunk woman in a miniskirt shouldn’t be surprised if she was raped................
pic: © RIA Novosti. Vladimir Vyatki