she's effing ANNOYING as ALL get out. her 'endearing' terms make me want to puke (evoo anyone? i wanna slap that fake-smiled puss every time she utters that). her fake peppiness is a load o' steamin' shite. her voice is like nails on a blackboard. BUT THIS? no. rachel ray a TERRORIST? NOdunkin' donuts promoting terrorism?why aren't these people (who dream up things like this) carted away? they're not only nuts, they're DANGEROUS. i'm NOT linking to any of 'em. there ARE links to the ringwing (they're the REAL EFFING TERRORISTS IF YOU ASK ME) twilight zone blogs in the story links below. but i'm personally not going to separate them out.rachel, on this one, i have your backANDto dunkin' donuts: if you pull that ad because of what the twilight zoners are writing and saying, i swear i will NEVER buy another cup o' steamin' hot joe from you EVER again. and i think i personally keep you in business my own damn self. yes, i drink THAT much coffee. when i walk in, no matter WHAT dd i walk into, they have my TWO EXTRA LARGE BLACK NO SUGAR COFFEES already poured and waiting for me on the counter. THEY KNOWoh and one more little teeny tiny thing. i have a scarf or two JUST LIKE THAT and guess what? I'M NOT A FUCKING TERRORIST EITHER
if you google rachel ray and terrorism, there are a TON of hits. i just picked these three
Dunkin’ Dumbasses By: SilentPatriot
(title borrowed from
John Cole.)
File this under: “we now know why McCain is ignoring Michelle Malkin.”
A new Dunkin Donuts ad featuring Rachel Ray sporting a tattered white scarf has the wingnuts in a tizzy, with Michelle Malkin leading the charge. You have to be deranged to see this ad and come to the conclusion that Rachel Ray is a secret Yasser Arafat-loving, terrorist-sympathizing threat who must be stopped for the sake of civilization. Take a glimpse with me into the warped mind of a lunatic fringer:
Michelle Malkin - Of donuts and dumb celebrities:
Is Ray’s blunder worth boycotting DD over? I’ll be interested to hear the company’s take. At this point, I’m going to give the management the benefit of the doubt. They have braved boycott threats and attacks over their lonely, principled stance against illegal immigration. Given their pro-rule of law, America first position, I highly doubt the executive offices are filled with moonbats who endorse Ray’s keffiyeh chic.
Charles Johnson @ Little Green Footballs - Mainstreaming Terrorism to Sell Donuts:
I didn’t believe this story when people first started emailing about it; but sure enough, its true. Dunkin Donuts, the venerable old fried dough seller, is the latest American firm to casually promote the symbol of Palestinian terrorism and the intifada, the kaffiyeh, via Rachael Ray: Dunkin’ Breakfast Choices............
Two conservative bloggers, Charles Johnson and Michelle Malkin, blogged about how Dunkin Donuts via Rachael Ray is promoting terrorism through fashion. From Charles Johnson's site:"I didn’t believe this story when people first started emailing about it; but sure enough, its true. Dunkin Donuts, the venerable old fried dough seller, is the latest American firm to casually promote the symbol of Palestinian terrorism and the intifada, the kaffiyeh, via Rachael Ray: Dunkin’ Breakfast Choices."...........
There've always been a lot of people who've criticized Rachael Ray, the bubbly Food Network host. I'm one of them. Still, I can't say I ever thought anyone would get overwrought enough about Ray to actually accuse her of "mainstreaming terrorism." Then again, I hadn't counted on Charles Johnson, who runs the right-wing blog Little Green Footballs.
Ray provoked Johnson's ire with an online ad she's in for Dunkin' Donuts in which she can be seen wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional item of clothing in the Arab world. In a post headlined, "Mainstreaming Terrorism to Sell Donuts," Johnson writes, "I didn’t believe this story when people first started emailing about it; but sure enough, its true. Dunkin Donuts, the venerable old fried dough seller, is the latest American firm to casually promote the symbol of Palestinian terrorism and the intifada, the kaffiyeh, via Rachael Ray.".........