as you are aware, the address of my blog starts off with the morrighan.
crows and ravens are my totem animals (isn't my photo on my blog profile rather raven-like?). well wolves are too. BUT this story is about crows not wolves.
crows and ravens are just AMAZING animals. smart AND they have a sense of humor as well.
By Rebecca Morelle Science reporter, BBC News
Crows have shown that two tools are better than one when it comes to problem solving, scientists say.
A University of Auckland study has revealed that New Caledonian crows can use separate tools in quick succession to retrieve an out-of-reach snack.
The birds were using reasoning that was more commonly seen in great apes and humans, the New Zealand team reported in the journal Current Biology.
New Caledonian crows are renowned for their tool-making ability.
The birds (Corvus moneduloides), which are found on the South Pacific island of New Caledonia, use their bills to whittle twigs into hooks and cut and tear leaves into barbed probes that can extract bugs and grubs from crevices. ..........
picture: heartofthemorrighan.org
smaller picture: amy brown design
tattoos (on me) two from amy brown designs
the three raven design (i actually have three of them in different areas) i got from a rubber stamp i saw. it's also on the label of some wine. it represents the three stages of a woman's life (as well as other things)
the three raven design (i actually have three of them in different areas) i got from a rubber stamp i saw. it's also on the label of some wine. it represents the three stages of a woman's life (as well as other things)