instead of spending money trying to bring someone else DOWN, shouldn't they be spending their money trying to promote one of their own? goddess knows they are NOT going to be spending THEIR money helping those in need
GOP's 'Obama card' is unintentionally hilarious
-- Stephen C. Webster
This may be the worst online political ad ever conceived.
The "Obama card" campaign, found here, was launched on Thursday to very little acclaim. It resides on GOP.com and is paid for by the Republican National Committee.
It's something of an interactive feature that lets users ring up a sale on the "Obama card," which apparently makes everything free. (This is the level of discourse offered by a major political party?) The fun comes in when you get to take your "Obama card" through an online shopping spree, right from the GOP's own product portal.
As pointed out by John Aravosis over at Americablog, the GOP store contains many, many questionable items, ranging from the anti-Semitic to pornographic. Aravosis searched for "jew" and got "Jews and Their Lies" as a result, among others. A search for "latino" rendered "The Latino Threat." A search for "gay," however, resulted in a GOP scolding. "Bad Word!" the "Obama card" search proclaims.
Inspired by John's findings, I did a little searching around of my own, checking for every odd thing I could think of.
A search for "Bush" returned with "The Bush Tragedy" by author Jacob Weisberg, along with "Family of Secrets" by Russ Baker (fantastic book, I highly recommend it).............
Like I said, sore losers.
They are acting like a bunch of spoiled brats that didn't get their way and are now having temper tantrums...they can just afford to have really expensive ones.
they're more than sore losers - what with their secret holier than thou (waiting for the rapture) tudes. well let the rapture come. we'll see who's consumed in fire
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