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Monday, February 06, 2006

is it me, or is it hot in here?

from the nation comes yet another article on global warming, stifling free speech and lying. the ONLY reason i can figure people don't want to save their planet is because they believe in the rapture. what else could it POSSIBLY be? these people have procreated so they have children and grandchildren. don't they want a clean and safe earth for THEM? laws after laws (some of which clinton put into place) are being tossed aside and more big companies are being allowed to pollute our planet. i just don't get it....

Stop the Gag on Global Warming

Nation readers don't need me to tell them how frantically the Bush Administration tries to avoid both transparency and accountability. On issue after issue, the Bushies have worked in secret to keep the public and Congress out of its policy-making loop and have dealt with bad news the same way every time: by trying to bury it.
Take the most recent example: the Administration is trying to gag NASA's top climate scientist--
Dr. James Hansen--because he had the temerity to speak out publicly about the threats of global warming. Hansen made a speech last December 6 at an American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco calling for prompt action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions--a message that the Bush Administration does not want to hear despite the fact that 2005 was one of the hottest years on record, a finding that puts eight of the past 10 years at the top of the charts in terms of high temperatures. Since his SF speech, Hansen says that NASA's public affairs office has insisted on screening all material he presents to the public, and on one occasion an agency press officer even turned down a journalist's request for an interview with Hansen, which the doctor wanted to do. .................


Neil Shakespeare said...

Yeah, this is a ongoing story that needs more attention. I'll have to do a post on this. They put some 24-year-old evangelical in charge of stifling freedom of speech at NASA?! Egad these nuts are frightening...

Unknown said...

let's all just dump battery acid in our reservoirs

Rory Shock said...

Your rapture comment is the only plausible explanation for this implausibility ... it's just a slow motion version of what the hijackers to heaven who flew the planes into the twin towers had in their delusional minds ... they's a goin' to heaven anyway ... if Bush had a little more technology at his disposal I'm pretty sure he'd manage to pilot this whole damn spinning rock into a ball of flames ...

Unknown said...

oh i don't have my facts straight, but there was a secretary of the interior or agriculture a while back. he wouldn't protect our national parks our other lands because he DID indeed believe in the rapture. james watt (i just looked him up, well his name. i couldn't bear to do any reading on him)