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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

i'm not a vegan/vegetarian for health reasons

but i DO rarely get sick (a cold once every three years or so). i'm very lucky. i happen to like ALL vegetables except cabbage and brussel sprouts. oh sure when i was younger i didn't like beets or lima beans and several others. NOW, i LOVE them.

Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower: the vegetables that may prevent cancer
Foods contain chemicals that help repair DNA· Study backs link between diet and disease
Ian Sample, science correspondent Wednesday February 8, 2006
Natural chemicals found in soya beans and vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower boost the body's ability to repair damaged DNA and may prevent cells turning cancerous, scientists said yesterday.
Studies have suggested that eating vegetables appears to provide some protection against certain cancers, but until now the reason why has been a mystery.
Researchers at Georgetown University in Washington DC believe the answer lies with two naturally occurring compounds. The first, indole-3-carbinol or I3C is abundant in vegetables including broccoli and cabbage, while the second, genistein, occurs naturally in soya beans.
The researchers found that when the chemicals were added to cells they boosted the activity of two genes, known as BRCA1 and BRCA2, both of which play a crucial role in detecting damaged DNA and marshalling a cell's response to fix it. Mutations in either of these genes often lead to breast, ovarian and prostate cancer because they are unable to prevent damaged DNA being passed on to the next generation of cells.
Writing in the British Journal of Cancer, the researchers said that since very low levels of BRCA proteins are seen in cancerous cells, higher levels might prevent cancer developing.....

a VERY simple recipe using cauliflower or broccoli
wash and cut up a head of cauliflower or broccoli into flowerettes
toss in a BIG pot of boiling water (salted if you must. yes you may use vegetable stock)
after five minutes, dump the pasta of your choice into the vegetable water
boil till done
strain pasta/vegetables BUT reserve at least one cup of the boiling liquid
in the SAME pot, fry some garlic and onions (and mushrooms and peas if you want them) until translucent (using nothing but the finest olive oil of course.
dump the pasta/vegetables back into the pot. pour some olive oil over the mixture - a good 1/4 cup should do it but it's YOUR choice. pour in the reserved boiling liquid. toss in some red pepper flakes and you're ready to go. yes, you may even shave some cheese on top if need be. with a salad and some crusty bread dipped in flavored olive oil you should be in heaven!

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