yo yo yo search it!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

yup, he's NOT racist

he's just BEING FUNNY

In emails, California councilman joked about assassinating Obama
-- Daniel Tencer
A city councilman in Atwater, California, who got into hot water last month after racist emails he sent to city officials and council colleagues were made public is in trouble again.

The Merced Sun-Star says it has obtained 200 more emails sent by City Councilman Gary Frago, in which the elected official jokes about violence against black and Latino people, and even envisions a scenario in which the man who attempted to kill Ronald Reagan is enticed to assassinate President Barack Obama............

and here's the REAL 'COMEDY' part

.................Another e-mail forwarded by Frago on Dec. 9, 2008, was in the form of a fictitious letter sent by Sen. John McCain to John Hinckley Jr., a man obsessed with actress Jodie Foster, who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981. The letter said that Hinckley would be released soon and he should know that Obama was sleeping with Foster now...................


Malicious Intent said...

And why is this man still collecting a pay check from the state?

Unknown said...

you don't understand. it's ALL better now! he took a sensitivity class..............and he's seen the error of his ways (NOT)

Malicious Intent said...

pardon me while I clean up the fur ball I just hacked up.