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Thursday, August 13, 2009


because you were / are so beloved, you pretended to bow to the king? although i DO have to say you didn't do too much damn bowing then OR NOW

seems like when king george actually was TRYING to grow a heart, the big dick would put up a hissy fit

Cheney Uncloaks His Frustration With Bush

'Statute of Limitations Has Expired' on Many Secrets, Former Vice President Says

Washington Post Staff Writer

In his first few months after leaving office, former vice president Richard B. Cheney threw himself into public combat against the "far left" agenda of the new commander in chief. More private reflections, as his memoir takes shape in slashing longhand on legal pads, have opened a second front against Cheney's White House partner of eight years, George W. Bush.

Cheney's disappointment with the former president surfaced recently in one of the informal conversations he is holding to discuss the book with authors, diplomats, policy experts and past colleagues. By habit, he listens more than he talks, but Cheney broke form when asked about his regrets..............


Malicious Intent said...

The only thing he is accomplishing is confirming what everyone already knew. He is a "dick" head.

You go Dick, you write that book. I cannot wait to hear that gun go off when you shoot yourself in the foot.


stray said...

...or in the face, as the case may be...

Unknown said...

or in the dick as it were

Malicious Intent said...

hehehehe...I could go on....but we all know it's just down hill from here.