yo yo yo search it!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

i don't normally post rogue cops tasering people that don't deserve it

it happens a LOT. rawstory ALWAYS has something posted or linked to. almost daily.

this one REALLY got me though. i can't hear what's being said, but unless she was saying 'i have a gun in my waist and i'm going to shoot you' to the officer, SHE SURE AS HELL DIDN'T DESERVE TO BE TASERED.

Watch: Mom tased during routine traffic stop; cop abandons her kids

By David Edwards and Daniel Tencer
A police officer in the Syracuse, New York, area Tasered a 37-year-old mom repeatedly in front of her children during a routine traffic stop—and then arrested the mom, leaving the children alone in their family minivan for 40 minutes in freezing weather.

The incident took place in Onondaga County, New York, on January 31, but dashcam video of the incident only recently came to light.

According to a report at syracuse.com, what started out as a routine traffic stop “escalated quickly” when 37-year-old Audra Harmon challenged officer Sean Andrews’ assertion that she had been talking on her cell phone when he pulled her over. Harmon disputed that fact, as well as the officer’s claim that she had been speeding—doing 50 mph in a 45 zone...............

Deputy Tasers Mom In Minivan


stray said...

Yeah, let me reiterate an earlier comment about cops not being very bright...

Malicious Intent said...

Um...someone needs to taser his nuts, for being an idiot. Which is a far worse crime than her maybe doing 5 mph over the speed limit if she even did that. Which is f'n ridiculous to have your life put at risk for something so stupid. He gave her all kinds of mixed signals and I would have been just as confused and scared, especially with my kids in the car. They can kill a person, despite popular belief.

I hope to hell they fire his ass.
But that does not solve the bigger problem at hand where cops are using these tasers like toy guns at every whim to bully folks around.

Way to go big boy, you tasered a mom with children. Betcha you feel like a real man now. I know I would have been terrified of her. I might have done something like thrown a snow ball at her or something to slow her down.

Farg'n idiot cops. And they want to know why the public won't trust them?

Unknown said...

i know a lot of cops (and firefighters) stray. they're like everyone else. some are good SOME ARE ASSHOLES. no doubt

mi, at the very least he should go through some sort of re-training. he should also be forced to apologize (AND MEAN IT so the forced part i guess is out) to the mom and the kids

i go into work at a very odd hour. i go back VERY RURAL roads. i get stopped a LOT by cops. i guess it doesn't look good at that hour, in my particular car with my particular bumper stickers. i have NEVER been ticketed nor have i been mistreated after being stopped. i do have to say that. so shout out to the bloomfield and the windsor police force!!!

Malicious Intent said...

Sure, they are just like everyone else...but with tasers and guns. So that means the same percentage of their population has assholes as ours, but armed with deadly force. Which kinda bothers me as that number seems to be rising. Is it from lack of training because we are cutting back budgets we should not be cutting? These guys should be getting monthly training year round to keep them fresh, up to speed and maybe just maybe someone who might spot a psychological problem before an incident like this or worse happens. And worse has...folks have been killed being unjustifiably tasered.

stray said...

Yeah, I don't like to create an Us vs Them scenario, but 'round these parts, as you see, the cops seem to prefer it that way. And if Syracuse is anything like here, it is doubtful that anything will happen to this guy. They'll put him on a desk job until the press goes away, and then he'll be back out there until the next time.