yo yo yo search it!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

oh dear great goddess this CANNOT

be real. because if it IS real, we're all in a LOT of trouble. (and i'm wondering if it IS real, what sort of judge would sign off on a warrant for urine/blood by CATHETER for a dui when a breath test already came back as UNDER THE LIMIT????. we're not talking about someone who murdered a bus load of school children here. i am fuming and shaking. please let this NOT be for real)

Forced Catheterization Used In DUI Case
Suit Claims Police, Hospital Acted Improperly

An Indiana man has filed a lawsuit claiming that police forcibly withdrew blood and urine from his body during a drunken driving arrest, WLWT-TV reported.According to the suit, police arrested Jamie Lockard, 53, on suspicion of drunken driving in March.A Breathalyzer test showed he was under the legal limit, but Officer Brian Miller doubted the findings.Lockard and his attorney claim in the suit that police took him to Dearborn County Hospital and forced him to submit to a urine and blood test.Police said they obtained a warrant, but Lockard's attorney said his client was shackled to a gurney and had a catheter inserted against his will."It has to be executed reasonably," said attorney Doug Garner. "No one would say this is reasonable behavior. It's reprehensible that anyone could think that this is appropriate."...........



Malicious Intent said...

I was surprised you didn't catch this follow up: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/africa/09/07/sudan.journalist.pants.lashing/index.html?iref=mpstoryview

Unknown said...

oh i caught it. she is a brave courageous woman.

stray said...

Maybe they should include the forced catheterization experience in police training. It might disincline them to this kind of behavior.

Unknown said...

i still can't believe this. it's HORRID