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Thursday, August 06, 2009

you go leonard!

i've mentioned how much leonard cohen has meant to me in prior postings. not going to do it again. i WILL say, after his hard times, i sure am glad things are seeming to work out for him (and i'm happy this concert is for charity too)
(below is an ap article and i AIN'T gonna quote from it so click to read)

Leonard Cohen's Israel concert sells out in a day



Malicious Intent said...

I love that song. It is the kind where you play it and sit here and close your eyes to listen to it, so not only do you hear it, you feel it. I like music like that! When you don't need a lot of bling bling, flashy stuff or gimics to make it shine through,

He touches you. Very rare and powerful gift he has.

Unknown said...

i grew up on leonard cohen. he means a great deal to me