when you need them? it's sort of like one of their spoofy blaxploitation movies. only this is real. this is the united states of america. this is a BUNCH (far too many) of closet bigots and racists. these aren't the klan here. these are our neighbors. the ones who say they aren't 'prejudiced'. the ones who say, 'why some of my best friends are..............'. yet, they are AFRAID OF OUR BLACK PRESIDENT. he certainly is better than king george. he certainly hasn't f**ked up as much as king george. yet, he's an evil socialistic communistic devil monster? f**k that. as i've been saying, it's NOT anything other than you WANT to call him the "n" word but you just haven't yet. DO IT. GET IT OVER WITH. WE'LL ALL BE A LOT MORE COMFORTABLE
so go get chuck norris and flush and glenn and colt-her and join hands. instead of kumbaya, just say the 'n' word
Obama as The Joker: Racial Fear's Ugly Face
'Political' Poster Turns On Violent Symbolism
Washington Post Staff Writer
Between Jack Nicholson's 1989 portrayal of the Joker in "Batman" and Heath Ledger's 2008 characterization in "The Dark Knight," something sinister happened to the villain's iconic makeup. What had been a mask, with the clearly delineated lines of a carnival character, became simply war paint, and not very well applied.
The visual change signaled a change in the Joker's inner mechanism. Nicholson's dandified virtuoso of violence was replaced by a darker, more unpredictable and psychotic figure. What had been a caricature became more real and threatening. An urbane mocker of civilized values became simply a deformed product of urban violence.
It is the latter makeup job that has been superimposed over the face of President Obama in an anonymous Los Angeles poster campaign that is now the talk of the blogosphere, the airwaves and the 24/7 hermeneutical speculations of cable television........
I dont' think we are going to see the fall of racism in this society in our lifetime. I think it something that unfortunately is going to be around for generations to come. Until we (as a society) are willing to look at ourselves in the mirror. We are not going to change. I personally cannot not standy racisim or sterotyping of anyone. Only one exception, those that promote hate and teach hate to younger genrations who evnetually see this as normal.
Argh, just going to stop...I'need a whole puii
I would be happier, for a start, if people would just bother to look up the word "socialism" in the dictionary. It would make Americans look less like morons.
mi, no we'll never see the end of racism because we'll never see the end of fear and ignorance.
oh stray, you know better than that. they pride themselves on holding up people like joe the plumber. do you think they actually KNOW what socialism is?
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