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Thursday, May 31, 2007

ANOTHER in the big ol' long list of he shurrrrrrrrre ken pick 'em!

yup king george does one thing well. his picks for positions are absolutely ASTOUNDING


Senators Should Reject Bush’s Latest Nominee to 5th Circuit

President Bush has nominated Leslie Southwick to fill a seat on the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Bush previously tried to fill the seat with Charles Pickering and then Michael Wallace, both of whom faced significant opposition due to their disturbing legal records, especially on civil rights.“Regrettably, Southwick also has a troubling record and appears to be cut from the same cloth as the others,” said Ralph G. Neas, President of People For the American Way. “First Pickering, then Wallace, and now Southwick – Bush has completely struck out on the Fifth Circuit.”............

......In 1998, Southwick joined a ruling in an employment case that upheld the reinstatement, without any punishment whatsoever, of a white state employee who was fired for calling an African American co-worker a “good ole nigger.” The court’s decision effectively ratified a hearing officer’s opinion that the slur was only “somewhat derogatory” and “was in effect calling the individual a ‘teacher’s pet.’” The Mississippi Supreme Court unanimously reversed the decision...........

......In 2001, Southwick joined a ruling that upheld a chancellor’s decision to take an eight-year-old girl away from her mother and award custody to the father, who had never married the mother, largely because the mother was living with another woman in a “lesbian home.” Southwick went even further by joining a gratuitously anti-gay concurrence which extolled Mississippi’s right under “the principles of Federalism” to treat “homosexual persons” as second-class citizens........


Anonymous said...

Wonderful . . . these people are sociopaths and all they care about is power - control in totality. Totalitarianism.

I'm currently reading Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean . . . it explains a lot.

Unknown said...

THE john dean? if so, he should know more than most......

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's the one. He's one of the only people to stand up to, and speak out against, a sitting U.S. President on a matter of criminality. For that he was threatened, attacked, and once G. Gordon Liddy claimed to have been ordered to kill him, but the order was supposedly rescinded.

It's a pretty amazing analysis of what happened to conservatives since Goldwater . . . and I'm of the mind that Goldwater conservatives were worth having a conversation and debate with.

Unknown said...

i always thought liddy was one of the scariest people on this earth. THESE people FAR outdo him