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Sunday, March 26, 2006

some startling figures on the GENOCIDE of women

we are treated as below second class citizens EVERYWHERE (yes, even here). it MUST stop and it WILL stop. make sure your sisters of the world are safe and cared for.
Published on Saturday, March 25, 2006 by the International Herald Tribune
Women Go 'Missing' by the Millions
by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

As I was preparing for this article, I asked a friend who is Jewish if it was appropriate to use the term "holocaust" to portray the worldwide violence against women. He was startled. But when I read him the figures in a 2004 policy paper published by the Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, he said yes, without hesitation.One United Nations estimate says from 113 million to 200 million women around the world are demographically "missing." Every year, from 1.5 million to 3 million women and girls lose their lives as a result of gender-based violence or neglect.How could this possibly be true? Here are some of the factors:In countries where the birth of a boy is considered a gift and the birth of a girl a curse from the gods, selective abortion and infanticide eliminate female babies.Young girls die disproportionately from neglect because food and medical attention is given first to brothers, fathers, husbands and sons.In countries where women are considered the property of men, their fathers and brothers can murder them for choosing their own sexual partners. These are called "honor" killings, though honor has nothing to do with it.Young brides are killed if their fathers do not pay sufficient money to the men who have married them. These are called "dowry deaths," although they are not just deaths, they are murders.The brutal international sex trade in young girls kills uncounted numbers of them.Domestic violence is a major cause of death of women in every country.So little value is placed on women's health that every year roughly 600,000 women die giving birth.Six thousand girls undergo genital mutilation every day, according to the World Health Organization. Many die; others live the rest of their lives in crippling pain.............


Tamara said...

As a Jewish woman, I cringe when people appropriate the term Holocaust. I can understand why people do it, but it still upsets me.

The figures cited in the article are horrifying in their own right. Phyllis Chesler, among others, has written about the plight of Muslim women specifically. I wonder why more American femnists aren't concerned with this issue. The global trafficking of women for sexual slavery and domestic slavery is another horrible issue that receives scant attention. Thanks for writing about it.

Unknown said...

i did not wish to use the word holocaust myself.

my kind of sin is for me to sit back and do NOTHING about something such as this.

Unknown said...

when i say THEY i mean EVERYONE.

Rory Shock said...

Thanks Rose for helping to raise my awareness on this issue ... it makes me very very sad and very angry

Unknown said...

it IS very sad. infanticide for grrrl children, genital mutilations, sexual slavery and on and on.

Unknown said...

i (personallY) am NOT fighting men. what i AM doing is NOT being a second class citizen.

i sure as hell don't know what you're talking about. there is NO law to protect me simply because i'm a woman.

the statistics (that are OUT there ) say one in FIVE women are raped. i personally KNOW it's HIGHER than that.

i'm not going to argue with you or even engage you in conversation.