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Sunday, March 26, 2006

and here i thought everyone on deep space 9 defeated the dominion

turns out i was wrong. they're still around and about.

Divine Destruction: Dominion Theology and American Environmental Policy (Melville Manifestos) (Paperback)by Stephenie Hendricks

This is a thought-provoking, insightful exploration of how the Bush Administration developed an anti-environmental policy that is leading us into the destruction of "America the Beautiful," the selling off of our publicly owned national parks and forests, and our continued slouching toward an irreversible global warming meltdown.
In the onslaught of their rapacious assault on our natural resources and natural heritage, much blame has been placed on the corporations who benefit from gaining private wealth from public property. And it is true that these GOP contributors -- epitomized by the king of the natural resource exploiters, Dick Cheney -- now have people placed in key positions of the Bush Administration.
These exploiters see preservation of the environment only as an obstacle to the extraction of natural resources or recreational development that destroys natural settings. Profit trumps nature any day of the week in the Bush Administration.
But, as "Divine Destruction" explains, a key underpinning of the Bush anti-environmental policy is based on extremist religious thinking. This includes the "Dominionists" who claim Biblical justification for the outlook that God gave the earth to men and women to use for their comfort and wealth. In fact, many "Dominionists" regard conservationists as unholy "pantheists" who make the mistake of seeing God in nature.
As an adjunct to the "Dominionist" movement (and we are simplifying this complex fanatical religious overview here for the sake of brevity), many hardcore right wing fundamentalist supporters of Bush believe in the "End Time" theory that Jesus will return to earth and lead the true Christian believers to heaven. The despoiling of the earth (and a world torn apart by war) isn't really anything to be concerned about because the world is nearing "Rapture" (the return of Christ) anyway. ..........

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