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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

is this professor on crack?

ideally, it WOULD be wonderful if parents (BOTH) could STAY HOME with their children. many parents CANNOT because of finances and many parents WISH TO WORK OUTSIDE OF THE HOME. the world is NOT coming to an end because some WOMEN choose to work outside of the home. i remember my sister crying for DAYS when she went back to work after having her babies. she HAD to go back to work though. they needed TWO salaries. my sister loves her work. my sister's kids turned out to be wonderful (well for children from HELL that is), well behaved and well loved. my sister and bubba my brother in law work different shifts. most of the time ONE of them is home with the kids (bevis, butthead and the bubbleheaded baby). when they're not, my popi is there (yeah, my sister is lucky). in a year or two they'll most likely be able to stay on their own when no one is home. the world around my sister didn't suffer because she worked outside the home. we're not in iraq because my sister worked outside the home.

Professor: Society suffers when women work
LONDON, March 27 (UPI) -- The negative effects of women choosing to pursue careers rather than raise children and look after elderly relatives are "enormous," says a British professor.
Alison Wolf, a professor at King's College in London, market expert and government adviser, wrote an article for Prospect magazine, "Welcome to the end of female altruism," which itemizes the losses to society when women choose careers over caring for family and volunteering within communities.
Four million more British women work now than in 1971, and 70 percent of British women now have jobs, the Daily Mail reported


Anonymous said...

Well I have mixed feelings on this because I gave up a great career path to be a scarcely part time worker to be home as a mom. I found that my salary paid for car payments for a nice car and extra things, but that if we were willing to give up on certain things for the sake of raising the kids, we opted to try. I am not saying the world will or won;t end and pinning everything on working women is absurd. the culprit is greed, the sense that we always need two incomes when sometimes one, man or woman, would suffice if people lived a bit more simply. It is not a matter of a place being in the home or gender question. I was desperate to be a mom and I gave up almost everything to do it, society and judgement be damned. Time with my children is irreplaceable and I would not trade it for a bigger better house or nicer car or more vacations or more name brand shit. I look at simplicity as the path to the choice that is my priority, speaking only for me... people are always surprised in the blogworld to know I am a mommy for some reason.

Unknown said...

i am almost tempted to say, 'some of my best friends are mommies' but since you've never met me and don't know my idiotic sense of humor, i WON'T SAY IT

being a mommy is one wicked hard job (and daddy too, i'm NOT discounting that since my b i l and ex b i l raised the kids just as much as my sisters did). if one chooses to go back to work for whatever reason that is their business just as it is if one chooses to stay home and raise the children. it takes strength to do both or either (IF one had children for the RIGHT reasons that is)