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Friday, October 30, 2009


what's wrong with 80,000 school kids not having the blood of animals drip drip drip out of their mouths on mondays? it's NOT indoctrination, it's cost saving, it's earth saving, it's kid saving (you giant pile o' steamin' shite you)

in all fairness, i will say i'm rather prejudiced on this subject. i'm vegan BUT, as a rule i don't preach (unless i'm challenged OR unless the steamin' pile o' shite known as glenn beck is concerned). one has to wonder why ONE meatless meal is that big a deal to the beckmeister.

Glenn Beck's Bizarre Outburst Against Meatless Mondays and Vegetarians
By Kerry Trueman, AlterNet

Cheap gas and cheap chuck remain American birthrights to loopy libertarians like Beck.

Jon Stewart ended an interview with climate-change contrarian and Super Freakonomics co-author Steven Levitt on Monday night by noting, "I've apparently frightened our audience by suggesting that conservation isn't the only way out of any of the problems of the world. I sincerely apologize."

He added, "And I do also believe that we should just eat vegetables."

I'd love to report that Stewart has embraced Michael Pollan's "eat food/not too much/mostly plants" edict. But, of course, Stewart was only joking. The line drew a big laugh from the audience.

The interview followed a report on the Whole Foods "buycott" from Daily Show correspondent Wyatt Cenac asking "whether conservative hatred of liberals is so strong it can make them buy organic food."

Fresh fruits and vegetables remain the Rodney Dangerfield of the Western diet, getting no respect from cable commentators -- the comics or the crackpots. Stewart's mock endorsement of mock duck came on the same day as an anti-tofurkey tirade from Glenn Beck, who echoed Lou Dobbs' recent condemnation of the Meatless Monday campaign adopted by Baltimore's school cafeterias as a form of "indoctrination":

"Americans love our steaks, we love our chops, we love our burgers, and you'll throw me in jail, my last meal will be a giant steak. Are we going to stand for that? Are we going to put up with this? Well, you'd think not, but in Baltimore, Md., public schools have now started, in the schools -- no indoctrination here -- Meatless Monday. No meat on the menu for 80,000 kids that they serve, no meat, that way the students that they serve can quote 'eat and learn about healthy, environmentally friendly choices.' ".................

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Lemmy Caution said...

His magic underwear is on too tight.

Unknown said...

he's not a mormon is he? nooooooooooo. can't be

Lemmy Caution said...

Sadly....it can be.

He CONVERTED to mormonism after some serious booze issues.

I can't imagine why anyone would CHOOSE the latter day loonies. With the insane theology, the blatantly racist recent past, the weird secret rituals....ugh.

Unknown said...

one of the GREAT tragedies is cv rick no longer posts on his blog. he has some AMAZING stories up, logged under 'growing up mormon' (my favorite is alma the lamanite) here's a couple of links if you have time. the man can write (well you can as well)

the first link is just the introduction

this link has links to ALL of his growing up mormon stories

i'm 'friends' with rick on facebook but it's not the same as reading his words. really, i urge you to as well

and my goddess there is NOT enough magic underwear in the entire cosmos for me to glenn beck it