i think this woman will continue to provide humor for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS to come!
from wonkette! (this really really really ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS great!)
Insane Sarah Palin, Late At Night On July 4, Threatens To Sue Entire Internet, Via Twitter
How did you spend the Fourth of July? Maybe having a BBQ with friends and family, watching a fireworks show, and generally enjoying a happy patriotic holiday? Batshit-insane American Quitter Sarah Palin ended her own special “Independence Day” by posting a series of desperate grammar-challenged nonsense and vicious threats on her Facebook and Twitter pages. Really.
(Also: Sarah, you idiot, when do you plan to give up your Twitter name AKGovSarahPalin? Because, you know, you just quit being governor ….)
It is unwise to dwell on the past or be obsessed with an unknown future, but we should all appreciate the wonderful present — a present in which Sarah Palin is nothing more than a punchline. Because, had things gone very differently in November, this dangerous delusional numbskull would’ve been just an Ambien overdose away from the presidency..........
Honestly, she is an insult to women everywhere.
they had the man who wrote a piece on her (i think it was from vanity fair and the piece was called 'it came from wasilla'. i LOVED the "it" part) on npr yesterday. i listened on my way home from work. man she was evicerated. peeps even called in from alaska and ripped her apart. who the eff would VOTE for her for ANY office let alone vice or real president? really now
Well apparently more than half of Alaska did. Me thinks the cold temps up there affects ones good judgment as it freezes brain cells.
not just women. PEOPLE everywhere. yet she is still beloved by many
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