here is my posting from july 6th
i had a couple of pictures up. the first was the growth, the second was right after it was removed (it was cut off with a scalpel)
it is squamous cell carcinoma. it's a very fast growing kind to boot. within the two weeks between it being removed and my second appointment, it grew back BIGGER. yesterday i had it removed by liquid nitrogen. it's somewhere between 400 and 600 degrees below zero. it stings a bit. nothing i couldn't handle. after a short while, it DOES hurt. it sort of throbs. i think it's actually your skin defrosting. again, nothing i couldn't handle (of course i had some stoli to help me)
the doctor (and later the nurse told me again), it will bubble, blister and OOZE. these are all good things (according to them). well here are two more pictures. one is the day before the cryosurgery and the second is the day after (today).
i know they're icky and disgusting. the after picture looks like there is an alien being growing on my arm
i am posting this in hopes
1) it will help someone else know what will happen when they go through this
2) because it's cathartic to me. to talk about it
3) because i need ideas on how i can repair my tattoo when the scar heals. (oh hell yeah i'm thinking about that ALREADY)
well i go back in two more weeks. if this didn't work i have to go into the hospital for surgery. they really dig deeply i guess. i'll just have to wait it out and hope and pray this does it.
i'll keep posting pictures between now and my next visit. sorry it's disgusting but i think it's important i do this.
the black box in the knitting fairy tattoo pictures is the effected area (so far. let's hope that's IT)
note: i think that tattoo saved my life. this is how i discovered i had skin cancer. one of her shoes just didn't heal. then it started to rise, like a blood blister but there was no blood (yeah, i poked it with a needle). finally i broke down and called a dermatologist. so now you know.
Wow what an ordeal. And such a buzz kill after getting a tattoo. With it growing so fast, do you think you should just not wait and go straight for surgery and have them cut the little bastard out once and for good?
That would be my line of thinking. Who knows how deep that little bitch is going down, and their attempts to remove it are obviously only going "skin deep."
I would want a second opinion. Nothing to be playing around with.
Nice tat btw. I just got a new one and love it. So addicting.
Hope you are feeling better.
Keep talking about it all you want. If folks cannot take it, they can always go somewhere else. Important thing is if it helps you, then that is all that counts.
Namaste and BB
Sorry to hear about what you're going through. We'll be thinking of you and wishing for a speedy recovery.
mi, no second option needed. i saw the results of the biopsy. that's what it is and i believe it.
when i go back in two weeks, if he can't absolutely tell me 100% it's GONE, then i will go get it cut out. period
nikki, i will be fine. if i didn't think so, i really would suffer in silence. i want to talk about this so perhaps someone else will know what to expect OR someone else will go to the doctor is something isn't right.
thanks to both of you! it is very much appreciated.
oh mi, the reason i went for the cryo is; #1, i was in his office and he could do it right then and there. i did not want to wait one more day or goddess knows how long for an appointment to see a surgeon THEN another appointment to get the actual surgery
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