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Friday, March 03, 2006

the sky was AMAZING yesterday morning

the WHOLE sky was faintly streaked with pink. i have never seen it like that. large chunks were darker pink (as you can see from the pictures) but i couldn't capture the whole effect. it only lasted a short while. i was lucky enough to see it. then it snowed late morning into the evening. i was out and about and it just made me feel so goofy for some reason or another. all in all it was a GREAT day

(of course the babes are cathy on the right and erin on the left)


AJ said...

Brrrr! Personally a gentleman, such as I, prefer a view of sub-tropical palm trees blowing gently in the wind next to my Ford Diesel.
btw, is that you up top?

Unknown said...

the woman with the long hair doing her best crow/raven impersonation? yes that be me