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Friday, October 09, 2009

i was unaware of this new law

going into effect in hell O K L A H O M A on november 1st. un effing believable

Late Night: But Will This Solve Those High School Lesbian Bathroom Attacks?

By: watertiger

Under H.B. 1595, the state of Oklahoma is going to spend over a quarter of a million of its taxpayers' dollars annually to try to shame women into foregoing abortions. Isn't that special? It's almost enough to make one long for the martini-clouded days before Roe v. Wade, when women only had to deal with the life-threatening dangers of back alley abortions, without the additional stigma of government-sponsored Internet shunning.

The following is the posted information that the Gilead Oklahoma legislators believe will be generic enough to avoid that irksome HIPAA:

1. Date of abortion
2. County in which abortion performed
3. Age of mother
4. Marital status of mother
(married, divorced, separated, widowed, or never married)
5. Race of mother
6. Years of education of mother
(specify highest year completed)
7. State or foreign country of residence of mother
8. Total number of previous pregnancies of the mother..............

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