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Thursday, October 08, 2009


it's causing an effing uproar right here in my chair. WTF????????????????

number one, it's made in china - they're not known for their safety measures. wtf is the 'blood' made out of? ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

number two, virginity ain't that big a deal. if you wish to be one, be one. if not, don't. easy as that. it should be YOUR choice though. either way. YOUR choice

‘Like A Virgin’ Kit Causes Uproar in Egypt


The Artificial Virginity Hymen Kit has been causing a legit uproar in Egypt.  What’s in the phony purity pack?  Why, a diaphragm that trickles a blood-like liquid, of course!  And it’s all in an effort to trick new hubbies into thinking their brides are carrying a V-card.

The kit is seen as a tool of empowerment to some, but Egyptian conservatives believe it promotes promiscuity and ultimately threatens Islam.  Members of the Muslim Brotherhood (who control 20% of the seats in Egypt’s parliament) have called for a ban on the kit and jail time for anyone that is caught peddling it..........

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