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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

i didn't know the bible was emasculated to begin with

 but then again, i'm just a stupid harlot woman who should NOT be worrying about knowing ANYTHING. that's NOT why i'm here. i'm here to serve man AND to make babies

conservapedia proposes de-liberalized bible
The unintentional comedians of Conservapedia are at it again: this time, they're planning on producing an expurgated Bible that's had all "liberal bias" removed from the teachings of Christ and the gospels. Utilize Powerful Conservative Terms: using powerful new conservative terms as they develop;[3] defective translations use the word "comrade" three times as often as "volunteer"; similarly, updating words which have a change in meaning, such as "word", "peace", and "miracle" Combat Harmful Addiction: combating addiction by using modern terms for it, such as "gamble" rather than "cast lots";[4] using modern political terms, such as "register" rather than "enroll" for the census
Accept the Logic of Hell: applying logic with its full force and effect, as in not denying or downplaying the very real existence of Hell or the Devil...........................


Unknown said...

What liberal fuppin' bias? The "Bible" is one misogynist, racist, sadist sonnet after another.....! Are they kidding with this stuff?

Unknown said...

[Just because I know I'm about to get the blow back...] and the "Bible" has many positive, life effective lessons, also. Gad.

stray said...

The liberal bias would be the Sermon on the Mount bit. That will have to go. Also healing the sick on a not-for-profit basis? not cool, Jesus. Keep Your socialist Hands off our health care system!

Meanwhile, what will they do with the OT, one wonders. So convenient for its rules and regs, but so inconveniently about the Jews....

Unknown said...

gwendolyn, i believe the bible was written by man FOR MAN. it was to allay his fears

stray, yup, the commie healing stuff (well socialistic) gotta go, gotta go