(i.e. cheaters), more so than democrats. what it is, is more republicans are personal friends of jesus. so much so they actually know what he would say, what he would think and what he would do about everything. not just in their (the republican's) lives but in yours and mine as well. they (the republicans) tend to be homophobes (you know marriage ONLY between a man and a woman because it is so effing sacred). they tend to be misogynists (you know a woman is ONLY good for spreading her legs BUT only after marriage. and a woman is too stupid to make decisions about her own body. that's what WE'RE here for). they tend to want to pass laws about my body when they have NO idea. NONE. (you know they don't want me to take plan b or have an abortion or even practice safer sex OR birth control at all). yup, that's them all right
well here's another one of those fuckers (literally this time babies) that got caught with his panties down
(0nce again, to be PERFECTLY clear. i do NOT care who is boinking who. just don't preach to me about who i can sleep with or who i can marry or what i can or cannot do to my OWN body. what decisions i can and cannot make about having a baby. what i should or should not believe in. i'll mind my OWN bid-nez if your mind YOURS)
Tennessee state senator Stanley resigns, admits affair
By Chas Sisk
State Sen. Paul Stanley resigned from the legislature Tuesday, telling a Memphis radio station that he stood by his socially conservative record despite the sex-and-extortion scandal that forced him from office. Stanley, a Republican from the Memphis suburb of Germantown, will leave office effective Aug. 10, a date he said was picked to give him enough time to wind down constituent business. Stanley was chairman of the Senate's Commerce, Labor and Agriculture Committee.
The announcement comes more than a week after a court hearing in Nashville named Stanley as the victim in an reported extortion plot that centered on nude photos of McKensie Morrison, a 22-year-old Austin Peay student who interned in his office.
Stanley acknowledged in an interview with WREC radio host Ben Ferguson that he had an affair. ............Paul Stanley, Tennessee State Senator, Quits After Affair With 22-Year-Old Intern
Paul Stanley, Tennessee State Senator, Quits After Affair With 22-Year-Old Intern
ERIK SCHELZIGNASHVILLE, Tenn. — A Tennessee lawmaker resigned from the state Senate on Tuesday after his extramarital affair with a 22-year-old intern was revealed by an investigation into an extortion case.
"Due to recent events, I have decided to focus my full attention on my family and resign my Senate seat effective August 10," Republican Sen. Paul Stanley wrote in his resignation letter.
Court records show that Stanley, 47, told agents investigating a blackmail case that he had a sexual relationship with intern McKensie Morrison. Her boyfriend, Joel Watts, is charged with trying to extort $10,000 from Stanley in April. Investigators say Watts demanded the money in exchange for not releasing to the media explicit photos of Morrison that Stanley had taken in what appears to be Stanley's apartment.
The senator, a married father of two who represents suburban Memphis, had signaled he would remain in the legislature, but he said Tuesday that he decided to step down about an hour before submitting his resignation letter. ........PIC OF A SHIRTLESS WATTS:
"I can only control what I do..."
and the rest was all done by the little man...?
i guess it sure was! (little that is). oh i couldn't help it. YOU set it up
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