i mean about how i feel regarding whales being in tanks and all (i think you can guess how i feel any way)
but this is a rather amazing story (if true that is)
Pictured: The amazing moment Mila the Beluga whale saved a stricken diver's life by pushing her to the surface
By Mail Foreign Service
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1202941/Pictured-The-moment-Mila-brave-Beluga-whale-saved-stricken-divers-life-pushing-surface.html#ixzz0MocNFnQP
pic: Mila tries to manoeuvre Yun with her mouth before pushing her to the surface. The whale has been credited with saving the 26-year-old's life
Glad the whale saved a life. But I seriously cannot handle seeing these intelligent creatures in such small aquariums in captivity. Cannot handle whalers either. In today's day and age, there is no excuse for whaling. No idea why the Japanese want to continue whaling, there is no reason to kill them to study them. Honestly, is there ANYTHING the Japanese won't eat??
i love almost everything about the japanese culture EXCEPT the whales (and some other things they hunt and/or eat)
i too hate to see animals in cages. there are exhibits where they're in natural type habitats and i'm torn about that. i know there is a giant chance, if not for zoos, some animals would have already disappeared. then again, they don't belong to us
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