yo yo yo search it!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


almost that is. wtf? how low can 'news' get? answer=PRETTY EFFING LOW
is there NOT a war in iraq? afghanistan? georgia? are there not thousands being raped and tortured and killed everywhere across the world? isn't our economy on the verge of death? yet a 'NEWS' channel has the time to put a caption like this up? it's sheer lunacy

'Obama the Antichrist?' CNN actually asks
David Edwards and Nick Juliano

Just so we're clear: Barack Obama is in fact not the Anti-Christ, sent here to feed on the souls of the innocent, resume Satan's reign over earth and bring about the apocalypse as foretold in Revelation.

Not. The. Anti-Christ.

That such a subject is even speculated about in any but the most backwards, unreconstructed segments of American society -- let alone on a 24-hour cable network -- is a testament (no pun intended) to the depths to which political debate has fallen. But there was the caption on CNN Friday in big bold letters: "OBAMA THE ANTICHRIST?"......


Anonymous said...

There goes another peg in the lie that is the Liberal Media . . . corporatists to the very end.

Unknown said...

it's VERY much like one of those tv gossip shows when anna nicole died. that's EXACTLY how i see this. pulling stories out of the woodwork. interviewing the sons of the cousin of the daughter who lived next door to so and so when they were 2 years old.

what a bunch of id-jits (they are and WE are for listening/watching)