#1) it is NOT a sport. it's a beach game. a game. next thing you know, JARTS will be in the olympics
#2) when they (i am not sure who the 'they' is but i think the 'they' are people with penises) decided (and it's a rule. not optional) the WOMEN MUST WEAR BIKINIS TO PLAY FUCKING BEACH VOLLEYBALL (i have no problems with bikinis but it should be a CHOICE by the woman. what do men wear you ax? well, i'll tell you. FUCKING BAGGIES that's what). oh and there are regulation MEASUREMENTS ON THOSE BOTTOMS TOO.
anyway, i wake up to THIS picture

Pres. Bush declines to slap Misty May-Treanor's bikinied butt
President George W. Bush, who played baseball, coached Little League, owned a big league team and watches the Texas Rangers at every opportunity, can't stay away from the U.S. teams at the Beijing Olympic games.
Today, as the busy crowd over at our Olympics blog notes, after an hour's brisk bit of mountain-biking himself, Bush paid another visit to the American athletes, watching the women warm up for softball, regretting the disappearance of that sport from the next Olympics ("It's good for the world to have girls playing softball and these women are going to show young girls how to win") and trying his hand, so to speak, at volleyball.
Bush knuckled off a couple of lobs, but defending gold medalists Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh gave the chief executive some pointers. Then after a good play, in the tradition of female volleyballers, May-Treanor turned, bent over slightly and offered her bikinied rear-end for the 43rd president to slap................
Indian beach volleyball players refuse to wear bikinis
The Indian woman's team participating in the World Beach Volleyball tournament have declined to wear bikinis, declaring them objectionable and against their traditions.
Photo credit: Gerald Herbert / Associated Press
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