it's the purple titanium one. the stone (tension set) is a purple topaz. it came from the etsy shop of shade jewelry
it's a beautiful purple color and i just couldn't get the picture right.
the diamond ring on top of it was my grandmother's. she wanted me to have it and it was quite a surprise. after she died (at the age of 102 i might add) my aunt and uncle sent it to me with a note saying noni wanted me to have that ring. i am so very honored. i am guessing it has to be AT LEAST 80 years old.
All of them are very pretty. She must have thought a lot of you.
i know we all thought a lot of her. she was the matriarch. when i was small she taught me how to gather mushrooms and make pasta.
i stood up on a chair at her side. she made a well in the center of some flour and put a drop of oil in and some water (sometimes she used an egg or two, sometimes not). when i asked her how much water, she gently took my hand, put it in the wet dough and said, 'this much'. to this day i CANNOT use measurements in cooking. i just can't.
her diamond isn't big and i'm sure it's not worth much to an outsider. but to me, it means the world. i am NOT the first born female grandchild, so yes, she did think the world of me. at 102, she had 100% of her mind, but unfortunately she lost the use of her body several years before. she lived alone, well into her 90s though.
the titanium ring, i had designed. purple is my favorite color and it reminded me of the stars too
thanks for the nice though. i do so appreciate it
It's awesome . . . I'd better not let Sugar see this post . . . I'll be asked to buy more jewelry.
his work is a bit unusual. i like that.
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