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Monday, December 31, 2007

more on my favorite presidential candidate

and by favorite i mean the one that i spend the most attention on because of his LUDICROUS beliefs and statements (plus he has chuck norris on his side. need i say more?)

Mike Huckabee: Homosexual behavior 'is a choice'
David Edwards and Katie Baker
According to presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, homosexual behavior is a choice.
"We may have certain tendencies, but [we choose] how we behave and how we carry out our behavior," Huckabee said in an interview Sunday with Tim Russert of MSNBC's "Meet the Press."
Huckabee is known for his controversial remarks regarding homosexuality; as Russert reminded him, Huckabee once said he felt it was a "aberrant, unnatural and sinful lifestyle."
Although Huckabee asked Russert to understand that "when a Christian speaks of sin, a Christian says all of us are sinners," he asserted that "the perfection of God is seen in a marriage in which one man, one woman live together as a couple committed to each other as life partners."..........

................He believes that a ban on abortion would not be an example of imposing his faith on Americans, but that his pro-life stance is "a human belief. It goes to the heart of who we are as a civilization."
"If you take the life and suction out the pieces of an unborn child for no reason than its inconvenience to the mother, I don't think you've lived up to your Hippocratic Oath of doing no harm," Huckabee said.
Therefore, he said he would support "sanctioning" doctors who perform abortions..............

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