yo yo yo search it!

Monday, April 30, 2007

speaking of 'take back the blog day'

two days later we find this Sexual Threats Stifle Some Female Bloggers in the wapo

By Ellen Nakashima

A female freelance writer who blogged about the pornography industry was threatened with rape. A single mother who blogged about "the daily ins and outs of being a mom" was threatened by a cyber-stalker who claimed that she beat her son and that he had her under surveillance. Kathy Sierra, who won a large following by blogging about designing software that makes people happy, became a target of anonymous online attacks that included photos of her with a noose around her neck and a muzzle over her mouth...........

...............A 2006 University of Maryland study on chat rooms found that female participants received 25 times as many sexually explicit and malicious messages as males. A 2005 study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that the proportion of Internet users who took part in chats and discussion groups plunged from 28 percent in 2000 to 17 percent in 2005, entirely because of the exodus of women. ............

for a listing of blogs who DID participate in take back the blog AND their stories, please go here

i have never been threatened as a blogger. however, i HAVE been threatened online and in person. i have been treated less than equally online AND in person. it's not any less of a threat if it takes place online. it's unsettling ANYWHERE, ANYHOW, ANYTIME


Anonymous said...

Disgusting. . . . There is no call for that kind of B.S.

What kind of freaking coward tries to intimidate women and what kind of mealy-mouthed little castrato thinks that it's cool to do it anonymously online?

People disgust me, Rose. They really do.

Unknown said...

a sick f**k that's who. the same sort of man who is afraid of women. so afraid, they have to exert all sorts of power over her, making her nothing but an object.