(and just as an aside..........the man married to the QUEEN of denmark has said DOG MEAT is one of his favorite things to eat. and yes, i'm being serious. so you know what sort of person HE is)
Whalers secure crucial vote win in bid to overturn ban · Tiny IWC majority declare 1986 moratorium invalid · Result a return to dark days, say conservationists Robert BoothMonday June 19, 2006 The Guardian
Japan's campaign to restart commercial whale hunting received a major boost last night when the International Whaling Commission declared invalid a 20-year ban on the slaughter of the planet's largest creatures for anything other than scientific purposes.
Members of the international commission which regulates whaling voted at a meeting in St Kitts by 33 to 32 to support a declaration that paves the way to the lifting of a moratorium imposed in 1986 to save whale species from extinction.
Japan was joined by delegates from Caribbean and African countries who have been pushing to lift the ban as a way to protect fish stocks from whales and give their small countries food security.
The group - which included Denmark - said the resolution was needed to force the IWC to take up its original mandate of managing whale hunts, not banning them altogether.........
photo: anglojapanese.com
You know, if whales had opposable thumbs, I'd seriously consider arming them.
i've said it before and i'll say it again, i am NOT a violent person BUT sometimes.......
why i outta..........
Seriously! I'm so sick of poaching and crafting policy based on the idea that a few dozen whales is a good enough population.
They're probably far too nice to do anything about it anyway (being armed, that is). Dolphins, on the other hand, are actually quite nasty. Seems to go hand in hand (get it?) with having a half-way decent brain.
*On a side note, the best Onion headline ever was "Dolphins Found with Opposable Thumbs. 'Oh Shit' says Humanity." It was great.
I found it!
i know dolphins can be nasty. they can (and do) attack. their own kind AND on occasion us (well we most likely deserve it)
i haven't read the onion in forever! thanks for the link g i t m
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