yo yo yo search it!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

dyke and faggot!!!!

that's NOT me talking mind you, that is the pentagon. why doesn't it surprise me homosexuality is still listed as a disorder?

Pentagon Lists Homosexuality As Disorder
Jun 19, 6:48 PM (ET)By LOLITA C. BALDOR
WASHINGTON (AP) - A Pentagon document classifies homosexuality as a mental disorder, decades after mental health experts abandoned that position.
The document outlines retirement or other discharge policies for service members with physical disabilities, and in a section on defects lists homosexuality alongside mental retardation and personality disorders.
Critics said the reference underscores the Pentagon's failing policies on gays, and adds to a culture that has created uncertainty and insecurity around the treatment of homosexual service members, leading to anti-gay harassment.
Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeremy M. Martin said the policy document is under review.
The Pentagon has a "don't ask, don't tell" policy that prohibits the military from inquiring about the sex lives of service members but requires discharges of those who openly acknowledge being gay.
The Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military, at the University of California at Santa Barbara, uncovered the document and pointed to it as further proof that the military deserves failing grades for its treatment of gays...........


Roxy said...

This makes me want to rip someone's head off...

I just got back from a trip overseas and can't tell you the number of discussions I had with people regarding our government and current political regime here in the states.

For the most "progressive" nation in the world, we are SO very far behind in how we accept people - and how we deal with controversial subjects.

Thanks for posting!

Unknown said...

welcome back roxy! you're so right. we ARE so very far behind and as alice would say, getting behinder all the time

Roxy said...

and even further behinder every time that ass in the whitehouse tries to boost international relations!

Unknown said...

or tries to do ANYTHING for that matter........