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Sunday, January 29, 2006

jimmy carter never got the props he deserved

commentary from oped news

Jimmy Carter: the Anti-Bush
By Mick Youther
Former President Jimmy Carter’s latest book, Our Endangered Values: America’s Moral Crisis, expresses his concerns about the increasing influence of the Christian Right on politics, and where this is taking America. (Note: page nos. refer to this book)• “During the last quarter century, there has been a parallel right-wing movement within American politics, often directly tied to the attributes of like-minded Christian groups. The revolutionary new political principles involve special favors for the powerful at the expense of others, abandonment of social justice, denigration of those who differ, failure to protect the environment, attempts to exclude those who refuse to conform, a tendency toward unilateral diplomatic action and away from international agreements, an excessive inclination toward conflict, and reliance on fear as a means of persuasion.” (pp. 43-44)• “…almost every decision made in Washington since 2000 has favored the wealthy, often at the expense of middle-class working families and the needy, and fundamental legislation on taxation and expenditures has been designed to perpetuate these trends.” (p. 191)..........

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