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Saturday, August 13, 2005

manners (and the lack thereof)

i saw this article in the nyt A Minder to Mind Your Manners

it reminded me how so many people lack good manners. i'm not talking about getting rid of a stray eyebrow hair (as the woman in the article does) or using the shrimp fork for your salad (horrors!). i am talking about returning a greeting when one passes by another in the hall, or holding the door open for someone following right in back of you OR the WORST - NOT SAYING EXCUSE ME enough. not saying excuse me when you cut in front of someone or when you reach in front of someone (especially when you've not showered, it's hot out and you forgot your deodorant). i tend to scream the words EXCUSE ME out loud at someone as a hint they SHOULD have said it to me. most don't get it. they continue on their way.

it won't hurt you to be courteous. it won't hurt you to say HELLO to me in passing (i am not burning babies and animals in my basement contrary to popular belief). it won't hurt you to hold the door open for the person in back of you holding twelve bags. it won't hurt you to say excuse me if you bash into me with your grocery cart. it won't hurt you to say THANK YOU once in a while too. oh and don't snap your fingers at your servers in a bar or restaurant. TIP THEM WELL. it's how they make a living!

oh i almost forgot this........yesterday at work, i went to the loo to 'freshen up'. as soon as i entered i espied a woman standing there TALKING ON HER CELL PHONE. she wasn't going to move and i REALLY had to 'freshen'. i just faced her and glared at her. IF i had opened my mouth to speak, i surely would have been fired. i would have shot arrows and darts and bullets and chinese spiked stars at her. what an AZZ WIPE. she FINALLY got the hint and moved it outside. as far as i am concerned, the ONLY acceptable conversation she could have been having in that loo was, 'what hospital is he/she at, I WILL BE RIGHT THERE'. (and no she was laughing and generally yucking it up at something or other).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember when I worked retail, the WORST was when people would come into your line talking on their cell phone. They just push their stuff over at you, don't make eye contact, nothing. There needs to be a law against using those things inappropriately.