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Friday, February 25, 2011

the nutmeg grater: got this email on RALLY TO SAVE THE AMERICAN DREAM

the nutmeg grater: got this email on RALLY TO SAVE THE AMERICAN DREAM


stray said...

I went to our local. About 500 people, not enough but not bad for short notice with a foot of snow the day before. We made a lot of noise. While the cops were making the media vans shift it down the line (guess they're not in need of collective bargaining rights, they've got guns), we got sound-offs from passing fire trucks and city maintenance pickups. That was heartening.

I had a guy once tell me that unions have ruined this country. This was just before he retired on his comfortable pension, which apparently rained down upon him from heaven, after working 25 years of 8 hour days, which, in his fantasy version of history (aka ignorance), nobody was ever hanged or shot for. Wake up, people, and understand that these were never gifts of a benevolent democracy.

Unknown said...

my dad was a teamster. i grew up with unions. it's not whether i like them or not, it's they have a RIGHT to be. period.

by the way, beck and o'reilly and i believe flush too are all members of a union