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Monday, June 21, 2010

pam has quite the comprehensive posting on this

What do BP, its PR disaster and the LGBT community have in common?

by: Pam Spaulding 

Hilary Rosen. The former honcho of the HRC, the RIAA, and now-former political director of Huff Post is knee-deep (or is it neck-deep) in this BP quagmire as part of its image clean-up effort, which surely pulls in big bucks for her.


After the spill, the company brought on crisis communicator Hilary Rosen, former Democratic congressional staffer, former chief executive of the Recording Industry Association of America, and a current editor-at-large for HuffingtonPost.com. Ms. Rosen heads the Washington-based office of U.K. communications firm the Brunswick Group. Public records are not yet available on the new Brunswick contract. Ms. Rosen declined to be interviewed on the record.....................

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