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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

sara libby makes a point

i had NO idea eunice johnson died. i sure knew casey johnson died. what did casey do? get arrested, make out with tila (meghan's bff), fight with ex grrrlfrends, have her trophy adopted daughter taken away by her mother and on and on (i don't mean to be cruel here. i am just saying there is NO reason we all needed to keep a non newsworthy person in the news. OUR faults on that one.)

Beauty in Black & White: Casey Johnson and Eunice Johnson Die on Same Day

Props to Salon’s Joan Walsh for noting the eery coincidence of the news of Eunice Johnson, widow of the man who created Ebony magazine, and Johnson & Johnson heiress Casey Johnson dying breaking on the same day. More than their similar but unrelated names, the two women were striking symbols of the world of beauty.

Eunice Johnson gave Ebony its name, created a makeup line and fashion shows, and held some high-profile positions at Johnson Publishing, the publishing house that puts out both Ebony and another influential black magazine, JET. The company she helped launch and run said: “Under her direction, Mrs. Johnson made a tremendous impact on the fashion industry, showcasing the best in style on African-American models of various shapes, sizes and skin tones.”..........

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