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Sunday, November 29, 2009

if i knew i was going to bare one of these


unfortunately i don't think des whiteboyz is jokin' BUT that doesn't make it any less funny

c'mon now, EVERYONE, gimme that side hug, that christian side hug. gimme that side hug, that christian side hug............

Best Abstinence Advice Ever

By Mac McClelland

If you're like me, and you have trouble keeping friendly frontal hugs from turning into full-on depraved bonefests, you'll appreciate the advice of these side-hug-advocating, Jesus-loving white rappers (h/t the Rumpus): ........Honestly, even though my Catholic-school teachers forced me to watch graphic abortion videos when I was a child, I had a hard time believing a big Christian group would really endorse something this misguided. Forget that even Bristol Palin knows that abstinence-only education is just silly; what's with the gunfire and sirens?............

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