and what do they want REALLY? where does a firm which JUST sprang from NOWHERE come up with tens of millions of dollars?
are they xe? xe says no. what do YOU say?
Reports: Mysterious, unregistered security firm policing Montana town
Associated Press Writer Amy Taxin contributed to this story from Santa Ana.
APF & Hardin Constitution Violations
By Nick Lough\
BILLINGS - A Livingston state representative is questioning whether Hardin officials and American Police Force have violated the Montana constitution.
Representative Robert Ebinger says he became aware of the situation after Cascade and Park County law enforcement officials came to him asking questions about APF.
"Well right now I'm confused," said Ebinger and that confusion led the representative to ask for action Tuesday when the Law and Justice Committee met in Helena.
"My suggestion was for them to come to our December 18th meeting," said Ebinger. The committee decided that wasn't necessary and instead will be sending a letter to Hardin officials looking for answers............
Mysterious Private Security Firm Gets Control Of Empty Jail In Small Montana Town
Justin Elliott
A shadowy private security company that has no known clients but claims to have helped foreign governments combat terrorism and will protect anything from cruise ships to Pakistani convoys has taken over a jail in a small Montana town, with plans to build a law enforcement training facility on the property.
The state legislature is looking into the matter and residents of Hardin, MT, were alarmed last week when executives from the firm, American Police Force, showed up in the town, which does not have its own police department, with Mercedes SUVs bearing "City Of Hardin Police Department" decals.
And the town has had to tamp down reports on conspiracy Web sites that APF plans to impose experimental H1N1 vaccines on residents under threat of quarantine in the jail.
Under a lease signed with Hardin, APF, based in Santa Ana, California, and incorporated just six months ago, is now in control of a 400-bed detention facility the town built a few years ago but never used, a town official confirmed to TPMmuckraker today. The town reportedly stands to make over $2 million per year.
Just what American Police Force plans to do with the detention facility, which comes with 50 acres of land in the small south-central Montana town, is unclear. Also not clear is who, if anyone, APF plans to put in the jail. (Watch a video tour of the jail here.)
Hardin, which is in default on the bonds it used to build the jail, recently undertook an unsuccessful campaign to make the jail a new home for Gitmo detainees. When that failed, the town turned to APF............
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